Russia Tried to Weaken Democrats Ahead of 2022 Midterm Vote, U.S. Spy Agencies Say | The Kremlin’s operations likely aimed to erode support for Ukraine, according to a new report to politics – 369 points –

If I were a Republican, I'd be embarrassed. The foreign enemies of the US want the GOP to win every election. How can they see that and not feel shame over what they've become? They are the domestic mouthpieces of America's enemies.

Read the Conservapedia pages on Russia, Putin, and NATO sometime. The far-right is firmly pro-Putin now, and see his Russian autocracy as a model for the US to follow under Trump.

My God there are straight up lies on that page. Like the economic claims in the very first paragraph. They just don't care anymore do they?

Edit, I'm saving this for later. When I have more alcohol to properly laugh at lines like, "Russia has the most professional army in the world."

Never did, TBH. Conservapedia has been a meme since the 2000s, when it was infamous for being "Wikipedia for young-earth creationists." It's all propaganda BS, but useful as a window into what the extremist fringe is thinking.

It’s all propaganda BS, but useful as a window into what the extremist fringe is thinking.

Thinking may not be the right word here.

I just wanted to say holy fucking shit, I didn't know Conservapedia was a thing.

And all of it sounds like it was written by a 7th grader who was being told what to type directly by Putin while his dick was in the kid's mouth.

I didn't know about Conservapedia, but I'm not surprised something like this exists. Alternative facts and all...

That’s gotta be a russian troll website.

No, unfortunately not. Been around for a while. Republicans didn't like how they couldn't control Wikipedia, so they decided to make their own.

Just because it existed before doesn't mean it hasn't been co-opted.

Love that they make you login to edit.

The Republicans who are embarrassed over this aren't Republicans anymore. There might be one or two who still are willing to publicly declare Russia a geopolitical enemy, but they are an endangered species.

Now, you basically have two kinds of Republicans: The ones who privately see Russia as an enemy but say "the right things" to get more power and the ones that cozy up to Russia because they see Russia as a template to follow for turning America into a fascist, white supremacist dictatorship.

No you wouldn’t.

They don’t even believe that Russia is the enemy.

They have no shame, and to them anymore, Russia is only the enemy of 'liberals'. It's their role model for a future American oligarchy.

I know it's crazy. When your ideology overtakes your common sense, it can be scary. Look at the Civil War and that era.

You know what they say: An enemy is just an ally who has komoromat on you.

Im pretty sure the word you meant to use was laundromat.

/backs into the bushes with the kompromat

If I were a Republican, I’d be embarrassed.

Republicans have long since demonstrated that they consider the capacity to experience shame to be a weakness.

They’re incapable of shame. It’s how they make perfect Russian assets.

Is that why every Republican has the same braindead take on Ukraine?

There are still some pro-Ukraine Republicans, especially in the Senate. They are nowhere near the majority however, but if enough of them decide to do the right thing (not likely, I realize) and vote with the Dems, a deal can still be made. Not going to happen until late January or February though.

And they were successful on the stupidest part of the population.

Oh look at what the DOJ have done with that information. Zero arrested, zero movement.

Useless Merrick Garland.

They refuse to enforce the rules then wonder why no one is playing by them. Half the time I feel like they must be getting paid to act that incompetently.

Weak Russia

The desire to harm the Democratic Party at times appeared to affect Russia’s prosecution of the war itself. The report says that Russian military officials delayed withdrawal from the Ukrainian city of Kherson until after the midterms to avoid giving Democrats a perceived win before the election. Russia announced its withdrawal a day after the election.

WTF? Why is everyone trying so hard.

China also tacitly approved efforts to try to influence a handful of unidentified midterm races,...

Iran also was blamed for trying to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy, while other foreign governments, including Cuba, were said to have experimented with small-scale U.S. influence pushes.

The funny thing is, Americans have been trying to influence their own elections for hundreds of years. This is just making us stronger. Lol at these latest feeble attempts.

How funny, when the WSJ posts polling showing Biden losing to Trump they cant be trusted because they are owned by Rupert Murdoch. But when it contributes to the echo chamber they couldnt be more right.

Lol. It's so ridiculous to hear a right wing nut accuse anybody else of living in an echo chamber. No matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise, nothing will change the fact that most people actively avoid getting talked in an echo chamber. Reasonable people aren't afraid to read the opposition viewpoint.

Your addiction to fear is not normal. It's bizarre and unhealthy, and no, other groups don't actively worship fear.

Your ignorance assumes any critique of shitlibs makes one a Republican?

The regular posts you make parroting Republican talking points makes you a Republican.

Oh, careful, they're gonna ask you to provide proof, and then they're gonna focus on a single detail that prooves how wrong your "lib" views are. Distraction complete, mission accomplished, that'll show you!!!

Fascists aren't really any better than Republicans. In fact, I would go so far as to say the differences are marginal at most.

BlueMAGA and MAGA are equally fascist. One is open in their fascism, the other hides it behind talk of inclusivity and gay flags.

From The American Heritage® Dictionary:

Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Dumbass: talk of inclusivity is fascism.

I dont believe you made the point you think you did

Sorry, let me be more clear.

Calling inclusivity fascism is moronic.

Talking inclusivity while upholding white supremacy is fascist. They talk supporting the marginalized while legislating their oppression.

If Democrats were the ones upholding white supremacy you'd have a point instead of embarrassing yourself.

Gotta love the claim that the only party that ever got a black president and a black vice president elected are upholding white supremacy.

other groups don't actively worship fear.

That's cute, Dems vote solely out of fear, certainly never put of conviction. You even have the echo chamber talking points down, but of course cognitive dissonance makes you think you have independent thought.

OMG, that's so ridiculously stupid. Progressives, who advocate social safety net policies, advocate for individual liberty and freedom...only try to enact policies to benefit underprivileged groups because...fear. Uh. Yeah, that's not bat shit crazy. Not at all. In fact, I dare you to go help people. Like, at all. I know you won't, cause we all know you're afraid of anybody who doesn't blindly agree with you.

Do you even think about what you're saying?! Good lord. Not a day passes without RepubliQans loudly proclaiming how dangerous this or that group is. But the people advocate those groups... Obviously they're afraid.

Hell, it's literally impossible to compile a list of everything you guys demand people fear, only because you'll never stop adding new items to the list.

Once again, only right wing nuts fear the idea of intentionally researching opposing view points (why is that again? Oh yeah, you're all openly afraid of the evil way the scary leftys will corrupt your brain). No matter how you scream and cry and act like a petulant child, that doesn't change the fact that everybody else will research opposing views. You're approach to "independent thought" and "research" are completely abnormal and make no sense.

But we're afraid. It's beyond any comprehension how stupid your argument sounds.

Edit: You know what, you're right. Republicans and Democrats all vote based on fear, but for different reasons. Republicans are afraid of minorities living their lives in peace. The idea of a minority not actively suffering terrifies them. Democrats? They're afraid of anybody being forced to live in misery.

There, happy? (It's a joke, get it? You don't even know what happiness is, so question is funny, right??)

Dems only support those issues on the surface, just below that they are Republicans, and just as fascist

Just like the republicans support women's right. Yes?

The difference is republicans will tell you they hate you to your face. Democrats will cozy up as an old friend while they stab you in the back. The world knows where they stand with republicans because they dont hide their intent, Democrats do

You are incorrect, rhey will tell you that they are a using you for your own good, make themselves the victims for the bad things they do to you, and gaslight you because you are being mean to them. But never tell you openly that they hate you.

Yes tell us more dear daddy about the party that fears, immigration, black people, brown people, inclusion, drag queens, abortion, women in general, CRT, regulations, unions, wokeness, and books -- wait are we talking about the Dems?

Your ignorance assumes I'm republican. Leftists can't stand either of you

You know me? Who are you?

That is ironic, after all the republican party never convict people doing crimes, just look at the gop or, speaking of echo chambers and fanatism the traitor that they want to be president again so he can do more traitorous things.

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Are you questioning the validity of this story?

It's always a lame nitpick, anything to distract from what their asshole hero is doing. Deflect, deflect, deflect. It would be boring if it wasn't so awful.

Weirdly, you got a reply and I did not. The fact that they don’t reply to serious questions and only try to pick fights makes it clear the person is trolling

I believe you are correct. They seem to get off on it too.

You and your binary thinking

You group people into binary thinkers and not binary thinkers, creating a binary system in your own thoughts.

Does hypocrisy always come so easy to you?

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