Trump team fires back at claims that ex-president ‘smells’ to politics – 491 points –
Trump team fires back at claims that ex-president ‘smells’

Former president’s body odor was called into question by a former congressman

Adam Kinzinger, a former Republican representative, encouraged people to ‘wear a mask’ when they’re in the presence of former president Donald Trump due to his apparent odor.

Mr Kinzinger, a vocal critic of Mr Trump, took to his Twitter account this week to insinuate that the former president possesses a strong smell.

“I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor,” Mr Kinzinger wrote earlier this week.

“It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can,” he added.

The accusation garnered a lot of attention on the platform, with many mocking the former president for his alleged smell.


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When reached for comment about the accusation, a spokesperson for Mr Trump returned the insult to Mr Kinzinger.

“Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud,” the spokesperson said in a statement provided to The Independent.

Not only do I doubt he ever farted on live TV, but if that spokesperson thinks a fart gives you a constant smell, they really need to visit their doctor.

This is LITERAL 5 year old level insult slinging going on between the ex president and an ex congressman. Im so sick of politicians being such pathetic wastes of space

Did you expect any other response from Mr. "No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet"?

That Fucking Guy habitually says lies in threes like that to incant them to be accepted as true

Also, since Trump isn't president and his company is being shut down, isn't he unemployed too?

You mean angrily typing into your phone to post messages on TruthSocial all day until 3 a.m. and then starting again 2 hours later isn't a job?


He decided not to seek re-election and works for CNN...

If you're the editor of "The Onion" what do you publish when this is reality?

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