What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

BOMBS@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 106 points –

The owner kind of makes a weak attempt to seem like they're trying, but if I weren't there, they wouldn't intervene at all. I'm asking because I want to make sure that I don't over react next time.


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Keep your dog away from their dog.

Are you suggesting that I leave the dog park because their dog is not neutered and they wont control their dog's behavior?

Either that or talk to other owners at the park about collectively shunning the problematic owner. It sounds harsh but I've seen this work and it's preferable to giving up a beloved community hangout just because of one asshole.

My goodness me.

"Talk to all the other people at the park and turn them against one other person in order to avoid an awkward conversation with said person".

If someone at the park told me to avoid some other person because their dog is a humper I world tell them to grow up.

I'm assuming OP has already asked the problem owner to stop and they are refusing to control their dog properly. Obviously talking to them comes first.

You could take photos of the dog humping your dog and make posters & flyers warning everyone.

Better yet, you could post to your local "mother's chat" Facebook group and let them resolve it

You can talk to them, which it seems like you tried and it didn't convince them to do something, or you can leave. Are there other viable options?

He could grow some balls and remove the other dog from his dog and then explain to the other dog’s owner why he’s an asshole and needs to leave

If this is in America that's a good way to get shot

Pistols at dawn.

Oh god, I haven't felt the urge to make a hamilton reference as strongly as I do in this moment since high school. WhatdoIdo??

breathes deeply Sorry about that, the inner theater kid gets out of hand from time to time. The situation is under control now.

If your dog isn't spayed a dog park IS a pretty sketchy place for her to be

OP’s dog may be spayed, unneutered male dogs will hump anything.

Sure, in which case I guess it's just annoying? My dog will usually bark or snap at dogs that try to mount her, if you are at the dog park that behavior will happen regardless, spayed female dogs hump as well as males who are both neutered and not 🤷‍♀️

Would feel pretty horrifying if it were humans in the dog's place. I'd either tell the owner to get their dog to knock it off or find a new park with better trained dogs (and owners). :P

Literally if you can't handle the dog park don't go there. This is pretty much why we don't go the the dog park when it is crowded as well.