Chairs for the lazy to Lemmy – 297 points –

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Imagine being cleaning staff in that office. You accidentally drop something during your night shift. All the chairs start driving themselves across the room at 4 AM while you're completely alone in the building.

"Heart attack" would be an understatement for the reaction I'd have.

I’d be more annoyed at having to plug all that shit in to recharge every night since I doubt there is some complex magnetic drive system under the flooring

I mean, wireless charging is a thing nowadays

wireless charging is not a thing until they make every table auto charging my phone

wireless charging is not a thing until they make every table auto charging my phone

Shit, I must be plugging my phone in at night and not realizing it then.

If you have that little charging puck connected to a cable thing. Yes. Yes you are plugging in your phone to charge.

Unless wherever you put your phone on at night is charging it without thought, wireless charging is not a thing.

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