Naughty Dog is in danger of missing the boat with the PS5 to – 74 points –
Naughty Dog is in danger of missing the boat with the PS5

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They consistently put out well written, story driven, compelling narrative games. Unless they need the money to stay open, they can take their time doing what they like.

They consistently put out well written, story driven, compelling narrative games

Lmao good way of saying you have shit taste

The last of us got turned into a tv show. A very successful tv show. That stayed mostly canon to the game.

Thats a damn successful and well written video game.

Don’t take what PrincessEli says too seriously. One quick look at their profile shows you they only have consistent garbage opinions.

Reminds of that reddit meme of a guy realizing he has been discussing the taste of Italian food with someone who drank their own piss.

I think the point of contention is the "consistently" part to which I disagree.

Just because you can sucker a bunch of rubes with no taste into buying something, it doesn't make it good. McDonald's will never be fine dining, no matter how many billions of sludge burgers they sell

Man you play League of Legends, pot calling the kettle black much?

I'm not one of you fags out here pretending it's the best shit in the universe and should be above criticism.

Your life must be so empty and depressing if this is how you are spending it.