Nearly 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein expected to be made public to – 783 points –
Nearly 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein expected to be made public

List could be released as soon as Tuesday after deadline for objections to unsealing of names passes midnight Monday

Nearly 200 names connected to the Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking conspiracy could be released by a New York judge as soon as Tuesday, exposing or confirming the identities of dozens of associates of the disgraced financier that until now have only been known as John and Jane Does in court papers.

A deadline for objections to the unsealing of the names passes at midnight on Monday, nearly nine years after victim Virginia Giuffre filed a single defamation claim against Maxwell, daughter of the late British press baron Robert Maxwell, in 2015, that in turn produced the names in legal depositions.

A year later, in 2016, US district court judge Robert Sweet rejected Maxwell’s motion to dismiss the case, finding that “the veracity of a contextual world of facts more broad than the allegedly defamatory statements” and that Guiffre “was a victim of sustained underage sexual abuse between 1999 and 2002”. The parties settled out of court in 2017.


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I want to see that list. I hope no names are redacted.

Instead of redacting them, they should turn them into anagrams. :)

Clint Lil Nob
Abba Amok Car
Portland Mud

Clinton and Trump were reported to have some connections, then also was one from British royalty (don't care enough to know which one), also Gates, but was Obama his friend too?

No, zero evidence on Obama. Proven in a court of law Trump is on there and it's widely known Bill Clinton is on there, this person is just adding a president.

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Didn't we already see the list in the form of the black book that was released years ago? I felt like it came out, and people were like "yep, that makes sense" and then nothing changed.

Law enforcement doesn't need the names to be public, literally the only thing this changes is that the public will know the names. Don't expect anything to happen.

from :

::: spoiler spoiler

  • Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
  • Kathy Alexander
  • Miles Alexander
  • James Michael Austrich
  • Philip Barden
  • Cate Blanchett
  • David Boies
  • Laura Boothe
  • Evelyn Boulet
  • Rebecca Boylan
  • Joshua Bunner
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Carolyn Casey
  • Paul Cassell
  • Sharon Churcher
  • Bill Clinton
  • David Copperfield
  • Alexandra Cousteau
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Dr. Mona Devanesan
  • Bradley Edwards
  • Amanda Ellison
  • Cimberly Espinosa
  • Jeffrey Epstein
  • Annie Farmer
  • Marie Farmer
  • Alexandra Fekkai
  • Crystal Figueroa
  • Anthony Figueroa
  • Louis Freeh
  • Eric Gany
  • Meg Garvin
  • Sheridan Gibson-Butte
  • Robert Giuffre
  • Al Gore
  • Ross Gow
  • Fred Graff
  • Philip Guderyon
  • Shannon Harrison
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Victoria Hazel
  • Brittany Henderson
  • Brett Jaffe
  • Michael Jackson
  • Carol Roberts Kess
  • Dr. Karen Kutikoff
  • Peter Listerman
  • George Lucas
  • Tony Lyons
  • Bob Meister
  • Jamie A. Melanson
  • Lynn Miller
  • Marvin Minsky
  • David Mullen
  • Joe Pagano
  • Mary Paluga
  • J. Stanley Pottinger
  • Joseph Recarey
  • Michael Reiter
  • Jason Richards
  • Bill Richardson
  • Sky Roberts
  • Scott Rothstein
  • Forest Sawyer
  • Doug Schoetlle
  • Kevin Spacey
  • Cecilia Stein
  • Mark Tafoya
  • Brent Tindall
  • Kevin Thompson
  • Donald Trump
  • Ed Tuttle
  • Emma Vaghan
  • Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
  • Cresenda Valdes
  • Anthony Valladares
  • Maritza Vazquez
  • Vicky Ward
  • Jarred Weisfeld
  • Courtney Wild
  • Bruce Willis
  • Daniel Wilson
  • Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York :::
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