Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

Lee to – 1009 points –
Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

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Pornhub is a horrible website profiting from rape and sexual traffic. Not the only one, but probably the biggest one. I wish the worst to this website and its owners.

Republicans missing what is the main problem again.

I see you fell for the religious puritan group's propaganda hit piece too

Just know that they don't give two flying fucks about sexual violence, that's just the mask they wear while they lobby to ban porn country-wide since advocating for that directly is no longer a winning position


If there is any porn site out there that works hard to curb abuse, it's pornhub. They do this to the point that the site got shit to use, and users will likely walk away.

Can they be 100% correct? No they can't, nobody can. Anyone pretending that's possible is lying. Source: computer expert whose been in IT for over 30 years, currently working as CTO. You can't filter and moderate perfectly, but pornhub does a ducking good job at moderating fucking.

Porn addicted people quick to down vote me. Feel invited to down vote me, it exposes your denial. Shame votes are anonymous.

I'll upvote. I agree with you. Porn should be ethically produced.

They aren't actually, you just need to set up an instance to view this metadata.

But answer this, if sexual violence is a problem, then why is rape not an exception to abortion laws?

Is it because you are a dumb cunt?

I didn't know, thanks for informing me.

I'm pro legalizing abortion. I don't understand how this relates to what I said.

You are barking up a tree of oppression.

Making pornography illegal opens up everything being defined as pornographic. And what are the penalties going to be for circumventing these laws? And who will be punished?

Will you punish the teens that are normal and curious about sex?

Will you punish the publishers who can't do enough to block people?

There are PII laws in tons of places. Are megacorps that are capable of PII compliance the only people allowed to make pornography?

Am I going to get arrested if people go on fetlife and share those pictures I took of my asshole?

You don't have good answers to these that don't take away the rights of normal people.

Lmao, must be nice up on thar high horse of yours. Biased belief in something that fits a preconceived belief is the cowards way out. Keep up that self-righteousness so people know to avoid you, coward.

You should post a picture to Lemmy with your ID since you support this garbage

If you learn how to read, you will notice I didn't say nor implied that I support this.

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