DO NOT MERGE to Programmer – 242 points –



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It's when you have more than 99 tabs open

What kind of psychopath has that many tabs open!?

I take personal offense to that. How do you not?

I bookmark stuff I need at a later time, or will need again, and read the stuff I want to read now and close the tab when I'm done.

I close all the tabs regularly. Bookmark for those that I need to save for longer than one session

I keep tabs open as a sort of "read page later" list. I never seem to get to reading them though.

So do I, for a few days. If I haven't read it by then, I'll either bookmark for later or just close. I pretty much never have more than 10-15 active tabs ever.

I got to that once, on mobile I've never worked out the rule for when FF opens a new tab vs opening a site in your current tab. They just kind of silently accumulate.

Yeah that's the problem I have, started while ago. It opens a new tab instead switching to existing tab.

Yeah it's a bit weird with FF, I just purge open tabs for unnecessary tabs daily.

There's a setting to auto-close tabs after a certain amount of time.

I like to be in control of what gets closed and when, so nothing gets closed before I bookmark it if need it.

As we know, scientists have not yet discovered any numbers past 99