The world will have its first trillionaire within a decade, but poverty won't be eradicated for another 229 years, report finds to – 397 points –
The world will have its first trillionaire within a decade, but poverty won't be eradicated for another 229 years, report finds

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I highly doubt that poverty will ever be eradicated, unless we do something like shoot billionaires into the sun once they reach a billion.

"Congratulations on reaching a billion dollars! Here is your reward, a one way trip to the Sun!"

Getting to the sun is actually really, really hard since you have to decrease orbital velocity by a ton. I think guillotines are a much more economical solution.

With that being said, I'm still onboard with giving it a shot in the name of science.

One way trip to mars.

They can have one inflatable habitat with life support, one years supply of food, and some staple crop seeds.

Use their billion to pay for the launch. Let the billionaires set up the colony or die on a cold barren planet.

Either way we’ve solved a problem.

Nah, I'd rather see something like:

"Congratulation, we have noticed that you are only earning money as a way to get a better highscore, this means that you gathering further wealth for your own sake is pointless.

This means that any further wealth you gather will be sent to the usefull projects and organizations where it can do the most good.

But don't worry, your wealth highscore will still be recorded as normal.

By reaching this milestone you can take pride in knowing that you have done amazingly well, and as a mark of this milestone, you will get a statue of yourself in the 'Hall of financial heroes' to truly know that you are a great person."

No need to waste their skills by killing them, just let them keep working doing what they love, but have their work benefit society instead of lining their own pockets.

You obviously need to stroke their ego and play them up as much as possible, but that is a small price to pay to keep the money train going into society.

Why do you think thats the solution to ending poverty?

You're right, why throw perfectly good billionaire meat into the sun? We can eat them at home instead.

Just keep cutting off toes to treat your diabetes without addressing the root cause right?

Well, obviously we'd take their money AND eat them. Luckily billionaires are low in carbs.