Walmart Reportedly Starting to Purge Physical Games Next Week

theprogressivist to – 112 points –

Specifically Xbox Games.


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We told everyone no good would come from GamePass and here we are... You will own nothing and be happy.

I feel like the endgame of this is that eventually all Microsoft exclusives will only be available on GamePass.

I think a lot of the hating on Gamepass is justified, but I've just gotta say as a partially blind gamer it has been a godsend for me.

I used to struggle with whether or not to buy a game every single time because in most cases there is no way from descriptions and reviews for me to know how any given game will work with my vision and fine/gross motor impairment.

With gamepass I can try things and if I can't play it? I move on and try something else.

Kinda sad that we can't find some middle ground between making games accessible for disabled folks without bankrupting developers and ultimately hurting consumers.

Most 'physical' releases have been downloads for at least a decade now anyhow, long before game pass was ever a thing.

I wish people would stop parroting this. For the vast, vast majority of games it isn't true.

Really? Anything above Nintendo it has been true for me.

Most games have a day one patch, but the game on the disc is usually playable without it.