So is the US slipping into Civil War?

CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿 to Ask – 871 points –

People keep talking about "Federalizing the National Guard" and now you've got other States pledging their NG to Texas in defiance of the Supreme Court (see image).

So is this what CW2 looks like?

P.S. I'm a Brit


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This will all blow over once Trump fucks off to private dementia care to escape prosecution.

Trump is beating Biden in the polls and bookies have him as the favroite to win.

Unless some states that matter kick him off the ballot the US is headed for 2nd Trump presidency.

Polls and Bookies: America's finest first option for information gathered from boomers.

Yeah you hear about bookies going out of business from bad lines all the time. /s

The house always wins. Haley is 20 to 1 just to win the nomination.

And polls are off but rarely outside the margin of error.

Obama was well behind in the polls to Hillary a year out from the election. 45% to 27%. Polls right now mean nothing.