Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 769 points –
Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession

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the nihilist in me really wants to see texas attempt this.

confederates === domestic terrorists. lets act accordingly.

the nihilist in me really wants to see texas attempt this.

Just to get rid of Abbot and Cruz it would be worth it.

Ah ha, I found a JS dev lmfao

Normal languages: "does this equal that?"

JS: "does this REALLY equal that, or just 'equal' that?"

Beats having explicit null checks everywhere.

As opposed to null and undefined?

No one checks those values explicitly.

if (str) checks if it's not null, undefined, or empty string.

Optional chaining like if (arr?.length) checks if list is undefined, null, or empty array.

Falsy and truthy comparators seem fucky in the beginning when coming from a strongly typed language. But they're very convenient when used properly.

Monads exist, optional chaining has been around for ages, and implicit bool casts, too.

As you said, no one checks those values explicitly.

I doubt this whole display is anything more than a distraction from the impending elections but I'm going to keep saying it anyway:

Please remember there are sane, reasonable, nonconservative people living here without a good way out. We're not the enemy.

Might not be domestic for long. Plus I hear they've got oil! Not sure they've thought this through.

Not just confederates, it's the current MAGA "Republican" party. CPAC, Dallas, TX, Aug. 4-7, 2022:

The persecution fetish is bigger in Texas.

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