Life goals to Lefty – 993 points –

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Lots of employers don't verify at all, especially for low level stuff.

Companies are also unlikely to provide much more than the start and end date of employment. No point taking any risks, no benefit from warning another company.

To each their own I guess...I work in healthcare and this is a very real thing that has negatively impacted people I've known who have quit without notice

Edit: Who is downvoting this one?! Fuck those hospital staff, I guess

Have you never had a job that didn't even go on your resume? I worked part time at a video store for some extra cash while I was waiting for a career position to start. I gave the heads up when I was leaving but if the manager had been a dickbag or something I would've fucked them over with no ragerts. We have zero context for this (probably fake) text.

I live in Georgia USA my employment laws explicitly state I can be fired or quit for any reason or no reason. As much as that sucks, I could quit because I don't like my boss' new haircut and that's ironically more legally protected than me being fired for being bisexual.

Whether or not it's legal to quit or fire someone isn't the topic though, this is about your previous employer communicating your termination status to a prospective employer

I assumed this connection was obvious

  • I quit cuz of a haircut
  • I get a new job
  • employer calls old job
  • they cannot ask why or how I left because the law is I can leave for any and no reason

they cannot ask why or how I left because the law is I can leave for any and no reason

Just because you can legally quit for any reason at any time does not mean your prospective employer can't ask your previous employer why or how you left. These are 2 different things

If they misrepresent the method of your termination in any way you can potentially sue for defamation, so, yeah, they can say what they want as long as they want to get sued.

Sure, but all your previous employer has to do is be honest. If you tell your boss you quit effective immediately, that's "resignation without notice" at most companies. You can try to sue for defamation if this costs you a future job, but your previous employer has their documentation lined up and you will lose

I haven't the slightest clue why people are mass downvoting your real experience here. Within many career paths, everything you've said is true.

I haven’t the slightest clue why people are mass downvoting your real experience here.

Because although the obsequious attitude he's advocating for might be individually advantageous, it's damaging to society (i.e. workers' power, collectively) and sure as fuck shouldn't be encouraged!

No, that's ridiculous. It's not damaging to anyone. It's the reality of the serious career world, and if you want a good career in reality (vs a worker's revolution or whatever in your fantasy) it would be wise to listen.

References are a real thing. Employment history is a real thing. These are checked by HR and hiring managers for serious career jobs, when an applicant is being considered. I have received direct confirmation of this from 2 jobs where I was hired, from my references and former employers who told me that the new employer called them to ask about me.

That makes sense, although it would have been easier to understand (for me, at the very least) if someone commented that right away after downvoting

Original commenter who has been downvoted to hell here. I'vs spent half my life as a front-line worker and half my life in management, and in management I fight like hell for my people in the face of the greedy corporate bullshit we're handed down from on high.

That said, if you're going to be on my healthcare staff, I and all your colleagues need to be able to trust you. If you've demonstrated a pattern of quitting without notice, to me that demonstrates a lack of planning and/or frustration tolerance, and that makes me hesitant to trust you.

I get lots of people aren't working in jobs that aren't as high stakes as healthcare though

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It's a very real thing in many real career paths. It's also relevant to the Golden Rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If your job was decent and they treat you OK, treat them decently in return. That's how you get good references and advance your career.

The alternative is to keep having shitty jobs that make you want to leave without giving notice I guess.

You are getting downvoted because the lemmitard hive associates your name with a downvote. Nothing to do with what you said.

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