Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to to politics – 455 points –

Spoiler alert: No, it fucking doesn't.


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Even if they did, that lack of federal funds and citizen exodus will kill the state.

And where would be the bad in that?

I'd feel bad for the many people that will be economically trapped there. I can imagine even in that scenario that people will stay put simply because they can't afford to up and move to a different state. The alternative would be to live in their car with their whole family in a neighbouring state, I assume.

Imagine the housing crisis when 50% of texans try to find a home in nearby states. And I'm being very conservative with that percentage, as I can't imagine half of the population of texas would even support secession and would want to stay in their doomed state.

And we shouldn't wage war on a country trying to invade us either, right, because some of the people in that country might not be agreeing with it. Fuck that, we're way past that point. They want to act like a state then they should be treated like a state, not being able to flip between being a state and down to single individuals who disagree with it whenever expedient. It sounds a bit like corporations privatizing profits while socializing losses. When they want to secede they are a state, but when dealing with the consequences they're all just poor individuals who happened to get caught in something they didn't want part of? Fuck off.

Well, nearly all those people had and have to power to vote. They got the government they deserved. Are they "economically trapped" to vote Republican?

I think generalising across the whole group like that is what got us into this mess.

Just look at the voter turnout in Texas and then still tell me there is no way to change the situation.

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Bro and/or sis, do you know what a fucking Gerrymander is?

Yes, I know, and this has been done by people who got voted into power in the past. Texas has a history of f-ed up governments.

BUT: There are millions in Texas who don't care enough for their future to go to the polls, or even f-ing register to vote. Yes, it is more difficult than in civilized countries, but millions in Texas simply ignore the only way they have to change the situation. See here.

How do you feel about your GOP-majority House of Representatives? I guess you just didn't vote hard enough.

Luckily my country is not led by fundamentalist neo-fashists like the US. I wish your president all the best for the next election. Trump in the white house would be a catastrope for the whole world.

Careful around that edge. Back to class with you, son.

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