Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll to – 344 points –
Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

Boys and men from generation Z are more likely than older baby boomers to believe that feminism has done more harm than good, according to research that shows a “real risk of fractious division among this coming generation”.

On feminism, 16% of gen Z males felt it had done more harm than good. Among over-60s the figure was 13%.

The figures emerged from Ipsos polling for King’s College London’s Policy Institute and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. The research also found that 37% of men aged 16 to 29 consider “toxic masculinity” an unhelpful phrase, roughly double the number of young women who don’t like it.

“This is a new and unusual generational pattern,” said Prof Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute. “Normally, it tends to be the case that younger generations are consistently more comfortable with emerging social norms, as they grew up with these as a natural part of their lives.”

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Men are disproportionately affected by a lot of the socioeconomic issues

Women are more poor than men. So, what do you mean by this?

men are the ones who are negatively impacted if they cannot provide.

What does that even mean?

judicial decisions on child custody and alimony are heavily favoured towards women

Men are more likely than women to get custody when they ask for it. Men pay more alimony on average because they are more likely to have and earn more money.

Single mothers (not single fathers) are one of the poorest groups worldwide. That goes for the USA as well.

It seems like you really bought into the angry YouTubers.

There are many things.

For instance, I am working legally in the US, this is my third year, I had to run away feom my home in Mexico because od the narco, I didn't mess with anybody, I hardly got out just to get groceries and my job. Some narco srill burned my house.

I know 2 women with the same issue, but they came here illegally. One of them works and the other didn't. But both, in a year, are already residents. I for instance pay my taxes do everything legal and i got denied of any form of aid to change my status.

And for instance, I helped at one place where they help single mothers... all have the kids and some.od yhem still do drugs. I doubt what you say about the custody.

Women are more poor than men.

Men are more homeless. The median wage difference between men and women 18-34 is not significant.

What does that even mean?

Going to the first point, societally, generally women have more to fall back on. Of course it would be great if everyone can choose to work or not, but generally in a straight relationship, the only one with a real choice is the woman. Also, obviously this is controversial to say, but semi-jokingly a lot of men see being able to sell sex/nudes as a privilege for relatively easy money.

Men are more likely than women to get custody when they ask for it.


Single mothers (not single fathers) are one of the poorest groups worldwide. That goes for the USA as well.

Does that include the single fathers in prison?

Men are more homeless.

Selection bias, as homeless women have twice the mortality of their male peers. There are more living homeless men entirely because there are more dead homeless women.

societally, generally women have more to fall back on

More of what?

Men are more likely than women to get custody when they ask for it.

Fathers who fight for custody typically get it. Even 30 years ago, 94% of fathers who sought custody got sole or joint custody. Abusive fathers are especially successful. Seventy-two percent win their custody cases. In one study where both parents fought hard for custody, mothers were awarded custody just 7% of the time.

What's more damning is that In 91% of custody cases, the parents mutually decide to give custody to the mother. Fathers fight for custody in court in less than 4% of divorces. Twenty-seven percent of fathers completely abandon their children after divorce.

Does that include the single fathers in prison?

Bizarrely, yes. In the rare instances when fathers with convictions attempt to win custody, they have a better than average chance of obtaining it.

A great deal of this boils down to with the gender pay gap which favors men at virtually every income tier and along every sociological fault line. Since primary guardianship is officially a gender neutral dispute, the individual with the larger income enjoys disproportionate advantage in winning custody.

There are more living homeless men entirely because there are more dead homeless women.

You can't honestly believe this. The mortality rate is awful but it does not sufficiently explain why there are more men than women unhoused.

Edit: Turns out their own source debunks their claim on the first page. You can't make this stuff up.

You can’t honestly believe this.

I don't have to believe it. I've got the data to prove it.

The mortality rate is awful but it does not sufficiently explain

When the mortality rate among women is twice that of men, the only way you get an equivalent number of homeless women is if the deficit is made up by women moving into the homeless population faster than men.

So which is it? Are men predominant because women die faster? Or are they not predominant because more women are becoming homeless?

I don’t have to believe it. I’ve got the data to prove it.

Ok, this is hilarious! I actually dug into your data, but I didn't have to dig that deep to find you are COMPLETELY misreading it. Just read this from the FIRST PAGE:

Within the homeless population, people who are Black, FEMALE, and Hispanic have LOWER relative mortality risk than their white, male, and non-Hispanic counterparts.

So wait, your data which you used to dismiss the male homelessness issue by provocatively suggesting women were dying in the hundreds of thousands, actually shows the exact OPPOSITE?
I mean, I am not a statistician, I will be humble for a moment and accept the possibility that maybe I have misread something here, because this level of irony is hard for me to believe. I get things wrong sometimes! Where am I wrong? Point to me where in the data you can get away with saying that female homeless mortality is double. Make it make sense.

This seems to happen every time an issue affecting boys and men is discussed. No matter what the data says, the welfare of men is dismissed hastily. It's like people think this is a zero sum game or something.

For the most part these are great points. No arguments, save for that you mentioned women earn less than men - not disagreeing with you, but my understanding is that where men and women are doing the same job the wage gap is almost nonexistent.

Factors like the glass ceiling and draconian laws about taking time off work to parent - and who can do this - contribute as well.

Also men tend to gravitate towards higher paying, and more dangerous, jobs. Women generally want jobs that will help others and give their life meaning, whereas many men will kill vows in a manure pit with their teeth for 8 hours a day if you pay them enough.

Of course things are changing - there Fd women working in the trades, for example.

So yes, the gap exists but the "why" of it and the solutions are complex and nuanced. I felt hat because of this it detracts from otherwie well made arguments.

Yeah that is there but the playing fiekd

Of course things are changing - there Fd women working in the trades, for example.

They're still a statistical rounding error. Trades are almost 100% male (in the US anyway). And in my experience as a tradie, if there's a woman technically on the crew, she's probably the one walking around with a clipboard, not the one fixing or building or whatever. Safety officer, environmental engineer, etc. Supporting and supervisory roles.

The gender pay gap is very real. Women end up with holes in their CVs due to pregnancy, child birth and then child care. That holes means lower pay. Lower pay means more likely to do child care. Society pushed childcare more on to women. If child care costs more than they earn, of course they aren't going to work. Making the CV hole worse. It's a negative feedback loop kicked off by having kids.

Edit: down voting? It's pretty normal reasoning given.

Yep. Tovuhed on this. Many countries allow both parents equal time off to take care of kids. Which is the better solution here.

It helps, but we need society to support and celebrate when men do this. I know one dad who did this. One. I know a lot of other dads. We did the math with our first kid with nursery and my wife's then pay. There was next to nothing in it. But we went for nursery anyway so my wife's CV gap was short. Now it's paid off and she is not part of the statistics. She also works somewhere very progressive, with lots of women in upper management. That helps a lot too.

Cherry picking, cherry picking and, finally, cherry picking.
