Crew Member Dies Following Accident On Marvel Studios’ ‘Wonder Man’ Production to – 79 points –
Crew Member Dies Following Accident On Marvel Studios’ ‘Wonder Man’ Production

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I don't think the it's dumb capeshit is the cause of death bud.

Yeah but if they hadn't been making this movie he wouldn't have died.

If he was never born he would have never died.

But then he wouldn't be born. I want him to be alive! Have you no heart???

Wow good one

You know what? I've had it up to HERE with women tormenting me about MAVERL movies jsut because you camt appreciate for better REAL movies from WACHOWSKI brotehrs you are suck in the MATRIX my friend trime to wake up before the coffee burns you brother

I'm talking about your heardt yur very SOUL lost to the wilderness of MARVELS super "heroes" really SZEROES weith no SOUL

you just watched a man DIE marvel is a SNUFF flilm and you dobn't even care? one day it will YOU who wants to stars in for movies and tnobody will be tehre for you only MICHAEL BAY as he dies a lonely death all lonesome beneath the hedges of time dripping softly to nobody

How do you know. He could have died on the set of a romantic comedy what difference does it make?

There's nothing romantic or funny about workplace fatalities.

Yeah and I never said that was did.

come on if you going to be an argumentative prat at least be even remotely believable.

It's also not remotely believable that this person was destined to die regardless if they were on the utter death trap of a marvel toilet-movie (full of diseased psychopaths) or if they were on the set of a much more benevolent film such as a romantic comedy.