Shocker: Republicans Admit in Private That They Killed a Good Deal to politics – 743 points –
Shocker: Republicans Admit in Private That They Killed a Good Deal

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Have you ever listened to Democrats? The leadership keeps saying that they believe we need a strong Republican Party for some reason.

They say this because their lobbyists want nothing to change and if the Republicans are too weak, Democrats may actually have to make peoples lives better or the whole charade falls apart.

For better or worse we have a two dominant party system, which totally breaks down when one party decides to go it alone and only advance causes they can win with their votes.

That is a weak party, so divided internally they don't dare compromise externally.

If we don't have at LEAST two functional parties, it all falls apart.

That sounds like an utterly stupid system that is fragile and easily manipulated... Go figure it's ours...

I'm not arguing with that, but it's the system we have. We can modify it, improve upon it, or let it completely fall apart and be replaced with One Party Rule.

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