Trump Says Jan. 6 Was an Insurrection to politics – 650 points –
Trump Says Jan. 6 Was an Insurrection

Trump’s legal team also tried to throw cold water on the idea in a filing earlier this week, writing that the “events of January 6 were not an ‘insurrection’ as they did not involve an organized attempt to overthrow or resist the U.S. government.”

Trump disagrees, apparently.

“They kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection,” he said outside Mar-a-Lago after arguments concluded in Washington, D.C. “I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi.


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Well then, we all better vote for Trump. Everyone knows how fiercely critical of Israel he is.

Yeah, that's definitely what I meant. I'd love another four years of Trump. /s

How 'bout you just vote for the candidate that might put more than lip service towards stopping this generation's Li'l Hitler? Here's a hint: you won't find them in either of the major parties.

Guys don't bother with this dope. He trolls every thread. He's an idiot.

He trolls every thread

Says the person with over 3 times as many comments as me.

A quick look in my history shows this is the second thread I've ever participated in in this community. Why lie? How do you benefit? Lemmy has no account Karma. Do you get some sort of satisfaction out of riling up the other dummies against the common enemy of nuance and understanding? Or are you just so offended by non-extremists invading your echo chamber that you have to lash out?

The world isn't black and white. There are at least 50 shades of gray. Probably more. You should try taking off your cool-guy sunglasses and looking around unfiltered. You might like what you see.

And how do you plan on getting that candidate to 270+?

Get a clue

That's not my job. My job as a citizen is to vote for the candidate I believe deserves the position, regardless of party affiliation.

The only reason Democrats and Republicans rose to the top is thay they once held the most generic, inoffensive views that people from the less popular "third" parties could support when it eventually became clear they didn't have chance at winning. That's no longer the case, so why continue voting like it is? Change has to start somewhere, and it sure as hell isn't going to come from someone who benefits from maintaining the status quo.

If everybody voted with hope and optimism rather than despair and cynicism, we might have more variety than blue dick vs red asshole.

I am curious… do you think that there is any realistic chance that someone other than the two main candidates will win the upcoming election?

Wouldn’t you agree that this ‘change’ of being able to vote for a candidate who both deserves the position and also actually has a chance of winning, is not going to happen this year regardless of how you vote?

Unless something major happens very soon, it’s going to be one or the other. Most voters are not happy with this reality, particularly Biden voters, but this is the reality we find ourselves in.

I am happy to hear you express a desire to end the genocide and destruction of Palestine. A large portion of Biden voters agree with you on that point.

Other than his age and his ‘soft on Israel’ position, I happen to think Biden has done a decent job. But let’s assume I am wrong and he has done a terrible job. Would he be worse than trump? Would trump be worse?

Would you agree or disagree that, like it or not, we are in a ‘lesser of two evils’ situation?

Here is your chance to prove that you are not just a troll. These are genuine question which I hope you will answer honestly, however you may truly feel.

If you prefer trump, just say it, you have the right to your opinions. Pulling the ‘genocide Joe - vote third party’ card comes across as disingenuous, far-right propaganda.

Sorry, dude, but I don't feel the need to prove I'm not a far-right provocateur simply because I acknowledge that Joe Biden and his administration are knowingly abetting an active genocide. I cannot in good conscience vote for him or anyone who supports Israel's aggression. If I thought Trump would actually try to stop it, I'd vote for him, but I know he won't, so no, I don't prefer Trump.

I'm normally not a single-issue voter, but there is an immediate risk of an entire culture being wiped out, and while I'm too poor to send any aid myself, if there's even the tiniest chance that enough people are as done with the left/right, red/blue bullshit as I am to vote for someone who'll actually try to help, I have to take that chance, infinitesimal though it may be.

I'd rather live on the false hope of a better world than the false hope of a not-even-worse one. We're all fucking fucked no matter what we do, so why not hope for the best and act accordingly? Maybe it'll catch on.

I'd rather live on the false hope of a better world than the false hope of a not-even-worse one.

This is not the choice you have, that’s my point.

Your choices are false hope of a better world, or the reality of a not-even-worse one.

One of the two will win, and one of the two is certainly worse.

I don't really see much of a difference between the parties. You either get blatant evil in Republicans or concealed evil in Democrats. Either way, things will only get worse as long as we're stuck in this two-party loop.

I refuse to directly contribute to either of them, so my choices are to not vote or to vote third party. It's not ideal, but my conscience remains clear.

I suppose in the trolley problem, I choose secret answer C - throw my wrench on the tracks and hope the trolley derails without causing too much collateral damage.

Political nihilism doesn’t grant you a clear conscience.

Maybe not for you. But it's the best option I can see. And with the electoral college making the real decision, individual votes don't really matter, especially in my state.

If you want to throw your vote away, that’s fine. If that helps you sleep at night, fair enough. But going around telling people not to vote for Biden is essentially the same thing as telling people to vote for trump. I understand you wish that weren’t the case, you wish a 3rd party was a viable option, but that simply is not realistic for this upcoming election.

There are a lot of us out here who fear trump more than we dislike Biden… and if you think they are the same then you can’t see the forest through the trees.

"Hey, you should maybe vote for someone who isn't actively financially supporting the most well-documented genocide in human history."

"Hey, this guy wants us to vote for Trump!"

I mean, yeah, he's technically less culpable than Biden, but that's just because he's not currently in the White House. We all know he would be just as bad as Biden in that particular regard.

If telling you to vote with your conscience rather than your fear is the same as telling you to vote for Trump, maybe you're the real Trump supporter.

That’s a clever way to continue to dodge the questions.

Do you agree that it will be one or the other?

Do you agree that one is worse than the other?

Do you agree that telling people to not vote for one is the same as shilling for the other?

These are easy questions and you are dodging them.

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There are 100 people on the trolley and you've just put all of them at risk.

Plus if you don't see much difference between those two, I can't imagine the level of privilege you live with. I certainly doubt you're trans for instance, or in a situation where you may need an abortion, if you're saying that.

You know the real privilege we all live with? Peace. Not being the targets of mass-murder campaigns.

So yes, I'd rather things get worse for a small part of our population for a short while if it means we can stop our government from actively funding a literal genocide.

And not that it's any of your business, but I am trans (enby) and my partner and I fairly recently (post-2020) narrowly avoided needing an abortion.

if it means we can stop our government from actively funding a literal genocide.

How exactly does this happen if Trump wins?

Same way if Biden wins: it doesn't.

Though at this point, it's looking like it'll already be too late by inauguration time.

So given the choices:

  1. Things get worse for a small part of our population for a short while, and the government continues to actively fund genocide

  2. That small part of the population is unaffected and doesn't suffer, and the government continues to actively fund genocide

You're picking option 1 over 2?

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That’s not my job. My job as a citizen is to vote for the candidate I believe deserves the position, regardless of party affiliation.

Thank you, citizen.

I get that you are in a downvotes storm right now, but for what it's worth, you're right, and I agree with what you're saying.

It's the party's responsibility to put someone up that is capable of doing the job successfully, and have them earn the votes, and not just being coerced into voting for one party for the sake of the country, and then having that repeated again and again.

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