FLOSS communities right now

onlinepersona@programming.dev to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 1483 points –

4 pane comic of dolan on the left and spooderman on the right

pane 1 (dolan): cum join opensurce cummunity!
pane 2 (spooderman): shure! how joyn?
pane 3 (dolan): Here discord! (with discord logo)
pane 4 (spooderman with tears in eyes): y u do dis?


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Am I the odd one out for actually liking discord? Or is most of this hate specifically for using discord for FOSS projects? As a replacement for MSN Messenger/Skype/Ventrillo Discord is actually pretty great for hanging out with friends

Replacement for TS3, Skype, whatever = Good
1st party quick support channel = Good
Community maintenance = Good
Documentation = Not good
Basically Github issues replacement = Bad
Knowledgebase = Bad


It's a private silo with no public indexing by search. Makes it terrible for technical topics fine for a chat platform.

It's a bad hybrid of chat and forum. None of the advantages of rich forum posts and typically too may participants for it to be easy to follow. Noticeable if you are not in the main timezone as the others.

Discord has threads and topics, but these features are a bolted on afterthought instead of core functionality so it just doesn't work as well

I think the thread(s) aren't that hard to navigate or search in - assuming everything else has been set by admins properly (rarely the case). YMMV. Third-party ticketing/integration bots with major services are seamless, but or course depends on your use case.

Discord is an OK chat app. But it's TERRIBLE as a support forum. It's precisely the latter that everyone is complaining about.

I also need to point out here that anything posted to discord is now their intellectual property by law. That's quite a deal breaker and honestly should not work with any open source projects

I didn't know that. That single reason alone is enough to completely exclude discord from open source projects.

the hate is because discord actively makes it harder to find and get support for anything. It's adding extra steps to something that doesnt need them.

I use discord to chat with my friends and weird people online, not to complain about the nonfunctional nature of software to people i dont know.

For chatting with friends it's fine! The hate is when it's used for public documentation and communication, because it isn't public.

my problem with it(apart from the fact that it's not libre) is that the chats aren't end to end encrypted

BuT itS NoT OpEnSoUrCE reeeeee

(Hardcore) Lemmy: Everything has to be (F)OSS
Me: Even a media library like Plex?
Them: Maybe not everything

Hypocrisy...Go and finally install Jellyfin folks. Give those fine folks a 10€/$ donation.

Is that the ones who tell your coworkers what porn you enjoyed last night?

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