Tipping culture npcs

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 826 points –

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My man, I have no idea why you got down voted. You're 100% correct. Can't afford to tip, can't afford to eat out. Eating out is a luxury, not a necessity. Grocery stores have frozen food if you don't want to cook.

Eating out is luxury and not necessity and that makes tiping a necessity?

No, but it makes tipping a necessity if you go out. My stance on this is that if you want to enact change, stop eating out. Continuing to eat out but then not tipping doesn't do anything except shortchange the wait staff. The company still gets your money.

When you say that common indulgences are "luxuries" are not required, you're promoting austerity. You're asking people to forgo life's pleasures for no real gain. That NEVER works. People won't just stay at home eating simple food unless they will go broke otherwise. With a world of billionaires we can't ask for austerity; it's morally bankrupt.

I mean, that feels like common sense to me. I have less money than I had last year, so my girlfriend and I eat out less, I buy less video games, I buy more chicken and less beef, I buy less alcohol, etc. etc. It's just a reality of inflation.

We avoided the recession, the result is inflation is destroying our wallets, so we have to spend less to still pay our bills.

We avoided the recession, the result is inflation

That's more of a function of corporate greed than anything else. They're all hiding behind each other while ripping you off, and getting away with it because it's difficult to call out any one company when they're all doing it.

What are you going to do about it, compete in the marketplace? The barriers to entry are high enough that that is extraordinarily difficult. And if you do manage it, why would you charge less than market rate? And you're likely to just get bought out by a bigger competitor anyway, so grats on your cash out.

I mean, sure, we can say it's corporate greed, but also we've put over a trillion dollars extra into the economy in a short span due to COVID and Build Back Better, while at the same time there were supply shortages for years, plus record low unemployment causing a raising of wages, all without the fed reacting quick enough by increasing interest rates sooner. We've got every textbook condition for an increase in inflation rates.

Don't forget the PPP where Trump refused to sign it if it had proper oversight.

That is very true! I'm very salty Trump was able to just do that, but I couldn't get my student loans deleted. :l

OP is right, and the users on Lemmy are salty. Waiters make $2.13 / hour they survive off tips. If you don't tip, the system doesn't change, you're just an asshole

If nobody tips for their entire shift they will make $7.25-$15 an hour, not $2.13. That $5.12-$12.87 is just pocketed by the restaurant if they get tipped.

Waiters make the same minimum wage as everyone else near me...


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FWIW this is completely location dependent. Where I am at in the USA waiters are paid $15 / hr plus whatever tips they recieve and I tip unless the service was completely abysmal.

Waiters make $2.13 / hour they survive off tips.

https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped No.

Listen dude, that's average wage. If you got stiffed one night out of the week, you're SOL that night and you made $2.13 / hour. If you make less than $7.25 hourly in a pay period then you'll be brought up to minimum wage, but in any given night, servers only make $2.13 hourly without tips.

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