Pro-Palestinian protesters block traffic on Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to – 497 points –
Pro-Palestinian protesters block traffic on Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

A pro-Palestinian protest action briefly blocked all traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Wednesday morning.

Starting at about 7:45 a.m. Protesters stopped cars and stretched banners across the roadway denouncing Israel's bombing of Rafah in the Gaza Strip and demanding that the U.S. stop arming Israel.

Northbound and southbound traffic on the bridge was at a standstill as of 8 a.m.


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It’s absolutely acceptable. Driving isn’t some untouchable human right that goes above everything else and can’t yield to something else for a little bit.

Nah brah. There could be an ambulance carrying your child to a hospital in that queue.

Or a dude on its way to an interview after more than two years trying to land a job.

Or a person about to catch a flight.

So, not absolutely acceptable. No.

Or tens of thousands of children being slaughtered. Nah brah

How does this help though? It just makes people annoyed at protesters and, if anything, detracts from their cause. Protesting is great, blocking traffic is a criminal offence.

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I just question the effectiveness of it. We want more people to join the cause, but making them sit and listen to honking for 15 minutes might have the inverse effect.

Great for spreading awareness, though.

Actually the right to travel is a human right. You are the oppressor in this because you are inflicting your will on everyone else.

It absolutly is not, protest how ever you want with or without a permit from the municipality, you are responsibly for your own actions. If you delay an emergency vehicle, those lives are on your head.

When I lived in Boston this happened multiple times. The one that comes to mind was some eco-protest that linked the protesters to oil drums filled with concrete on mass pike (the main east-west highway into the city). There were emergency vehicles stuck in the jam and someone died that was on their way to the hospital. IIRC most of the protestors are still in jail for murder.

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