Biden performs better against Trump than Harris, Newsom: Poll to politics – 248 points –
Biden performs better against Trump than Harris, Newsom: Poll

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Yep. Thanks for mentioning it. Wasserman Schultz and her cronies gave old Sanders the shaft after HRC paid off the DNC debt.


Imagine if Bernie had broken with the party. There's a good chance he could've attracted a lot of otherwise disillusioned people and formed a real, viable third party candidate.

Nope. Would have been overall worse with 2 parties splitting dnc votes.

Yeah but then enlightened centrists would have blamed him for Clinton's loss, and used it to push the party further right.

Oh wait, they did that anyway.

Regretfully, our system is designed against us, and has been further corrupted over the years. So, no, there wouldn't have been any positive outcome from that type of action.

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