Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. to – 1408 points –

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I noticed this bullshit a few days ago on my Win 11 desktop! I found if you go check the settings of the start bar, you can hide the copilot icon in the lower right, and then there's a check box to enable the lower right hand corner to work as show desktop again. The functionality can be restore to exactly as it was, but what the hell were they thinking.

Enshitification, plain and simple.

I genuinely do not get the hype of integrating LLMs fucking everywhere. There are places it makes sense, like word processors and email clients. Then there are places it doesn't make sense, like as an aside in my desktop environment. No one's going to use it. It's Cortana all over again.

I get putting it here but it should probably just be in the normal search. Search is shit on every os in general. LLM could theoretically help it find actually relevant stuff (and filter out the kink it usually surfaces).

Except I used Cortana all the time on my windows phone before they trashed that idea

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I don't wanna defend Microsoft here cause yk fuck them but I'ma guess most people didn't even know the show desktop was there tbh or if they did use it but then again I've never understood why it was there I never use it

Hide desktop is useful if you have many non-minimized windows and you don't want to minimize each one. I can vouch for that button 😎.

Yeah, I hink its super useful too. But i usually use win+d.

Or if you're a psychopath with a desktop full of icons and files. Shudders

To be fair it's not like there's an icon showing what it does. Maybe it should have? I haven't had issues with overcrowded task bars since Windows XP.

Not enshitification, cause they're not jacking up the price to put Show Desktop back. Just bad UI.

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