Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI. to – 1076 points –

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The only engagement you actually get is on super-niche subreddits. Other than that, the "engagement" you get on reddit is largely indistinguishable from bot traffic.

I come to Lemmy to read threads of people arguing about whether or not they’re talking to each other at all. This is doing it for me.

💍 Will you marry me?

Can you pass a capcha?

Are you implying I can’t pick out bridges or motorcycles? I definitely can, but I won’t do it for you as some kind of sick parlor trick.

Speaking of tricks, did you know there are singles in your area!

Sexy singles- In my area? Are there any weird tricks they don't want me to know? Just one would probably work.

They can make entire hot dogs disappear! Crazy, right?

One bite at a time, you sickos. Omg, you pervs.

Your stipud ! (both sic and /s btw) -> there, now you don't have to go back to Reddit to recall the nostalgia, you are ... welcome, I guess?:-D

Ahhh, that's the stuff. 🤤 Do it again.

Your (sic) WRONG!

About EVRRTYHIGN! (sic)

I may know nothing myself, but I still have an opinion and will share it with you, consent be damned!

Why I... [Reddit cap exceeded, please deposit $10 to continue conversation].