MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPAC | Republicans at CPAC 2024 are openly vowing to take down democracy. to politics – 900 points –
MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPAC

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About the only way we're going to actually have a democracy is if they consistently lose elections. That's going to mean volunteering, donating, and actually turning out to vote


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You can root for the rebels all you want. But Palpatine lived a long life and controlled most of the galaxy with his empire. I am rooting for the empire.

You clearly missed the point of those stories.

No no I was making a joke. It was just in bad taste.

The taste was just fine… it’s just that the execution was a bit off…

According to Disney, the point is that fighting fascism is pointless because even if you succeed, whatever you build in its place is doomed to collapse within a few decades. Might as well just let the Empire win.

It would be nice if it was benevolent dictatorship. That has never happened and never will with our current iteration of our species.

Such an idea is impossible anyways, because to ensure a benevolent society you need to incorporate the wide range of viewpoints and experiences of the people within it, something a dictatorship, by definition, precludes.

I feel like some Roman emperors fit the bill. Or maybe Alexander the Great. At least for the people in their empire.

Both of your examples are rulers that did so at the edge of a bloody sword. Death begets death begets death.

You should suck up to China or Russia for Palpatine, what America has is Grima Wormtongue

That is interesting. Who do you suppose Theoden and Saruman are, in this context?

His own second in command threw his evil bitch ass down an access shaft to his death while a united opposition got together and blew up his doomsday moon sized space collosus.

You can root for losers all you want.