Trump Offers Court a $100 Million Bond to Pause a $454 Million Judgment to politics – 403 points –
Trump Offers Court a $100 Million Bond to Pause a $454 Million Judgment

It's pretty clear he doesn't have the cash to pay the judgement in full, and will need to sell illiquid assets at a discount in order to pay the full amount.


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I hope Leticia James has a really good response to this.

*Letitia, and yes she does

Dafuq? I've been reading her name as Leticia all this time. It's like when I found out, after years of reading the name, the the CEO of ULA is named Tory Bruno, not Tony.

Hey, I'm a Tony and spent yesterday trying to figure out why I was invited to a random one-on-one.
Apparently it was meant for Tong.

Ahh, the meeting’s all gone Pete Tong

So, uh... When's the last time you got your eyes tested?

Of course she will write the strongest one possible, but this might be a case where her response isn't really that necessary except for procedural reasons--the judge is going to quash this anyway.