Conservatives Plan to Ban Abortion and Cut LGBT Rights Starting Next January to – 609 points –
Conservatives Plan to Ban Abortion and Cut LGBT Rights Starting Next January

Project 2025’s 180-Day Playbook is a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.


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Or you could say that this issue and all the others mean so little to the Democratic Party that running anybody but Genocide Joe is off the table.

Hi, it's me, a Palestinian American, how about don't use my people's plight to justify letting the guy who wants to deport my ass for liking Knaffeh get into office?

I have enough issues without truck nuts McGee feeling re-emboldened to call me Sand Nigger and Towelhead.

Thank you so much, friend. I don't think these "Genocide Joe" people understand what Trump has planned.

I wonder if they're even aware that he's already announced that he wouldn't accept any Palestinian refugees?

Or how about his plan to sacrifice the West Bank for a "Gaza Plus" without full statehood, where somehow Egypt gives up the Sainai Peninsula, all Palestinians, including Palestinians in the West Bank and Egypt, are forced to live there, and all right of return claims are nullified in perpetuity?

And then there's Project 2025, where Trump and Republicans plan to make the U.S. a Christian theocracy. How do they think Muslim Americans will be treated?

But none of that matters because they can call Biden "Genocide Joe" and say not to vote for him because of it.

That sounds absolutely bonkers and I don’t want any of that to come to pass. But I can’t sleep with myself at night knowing that I’m voting for someone who is going out of his way to send weapons to facilitate an active genocide.

Instead of framing this as my failing for bringing about Trump because I won’t vote for continued genocide, try to see it in terms of your (the rhetorical “your”) failing by insisting that my choice be fixed between enabling an atrocious genocide or bringing about the end of our civilization. The solution is the obvious third choice, run somebody else beside Biden. He is too unpalatable to reliably beat Trump, so don’t run him.

Insisting that we hold our nose and vote for an unelectable candidate failed with Clinton (how we got Trump the first time) and she was just unpopular. Going ahead with the same demonstrably failed strategy with someone who is a direct party to a genocide is even more foolish.

I’m not going to vote for Biden unless he reins in Israel and stops facilitating war crimes there and it’s still going to be hard knowing what he has done. I would vote for any other Democrat that runs in his place. Insulting me because I won’t vote for a candidate who is a party to war crimes won’t work. If you need my vote, you can’t ask me to do what I’m telling you I won’t do. There’s nine months to figure out how to get the DNC to run another candidate in place of Biden. If you don’t want to risk Trump again, you should consider that option.

The solution is the obvious third choice, run somebody else beside Biden. He is too unpalatable to reliably beat Trump, so don’t run him.

Fine. Which one of those obvious third choices did you canvas for in your state?

I’m not going to vote for Biden unless he reins in Israel and stops facilitating war crimes there and it’s still going to be hard knowing what he has done.

Bold of you to do that in the face of a Palestinian person telling you that you're in the wrong for that position. I guess you know what's best for them.

Also interesting that you didn't say that to them, but said it to me.

So you’re insisting that your role in this is really nothing more than to tell me I’m wrong for not voting for Biden and that I’m to blame for whatever comes? I’m not the only person who feels this way and I’m informing you that this strategy of yours is unduly dangerous. Digging in and trying to shame a couple of people on the internet isn’t mitigating the risk here.

That some self-proclaimed internet Palestinian says that they’re ok with somebody sending a fascist state the weapons that are being used to murder innocent people doesn’t change my view on things. If I tell you that I’m Palestinian too, will that change your mind?

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I’m not the guy who wants Trump in office. I’m just the one who doesn’t want to vote for somebody who is repeatedly bypassing Congress to send weapons to literal fascists committing war crimes. That’s someone I can’t just hold my nose and vote for. His political career is over.

Why can’t we have any of the other people who ran in the 2020 Democratic primaries instead of Biden? This idea that it absolutely has to be Biden or else the DNC will let the country fall apart with Trump is so completely messed up.

Back in reality, the choices are a) vote for Biden, b) vote for Trump, and c) don’t vote. That’s it, those are your choices.

Just know that options b and c help Trump. You can bend and twist reality in any shape you want, but that is the actual effect of those choices.

So ask yourself, do you want Trump as president?

Why can’t we have any of the other people who ran in the 2020 Democratic primaries instead of Biden?

Which one of them did you canvas for?

I like how someone actually responded to your ridiculous question and you suddenly stop mouthing off to people. What a surprise. /s

You mean the comment posted 22 minutes ago when I wasn't active here? My apologies for not being on Lemmy on your specific schedule.

Dean Phillips, but he has little chance against an incumbent who has the support of the Party leadership. In order for anyone to solidly beat him in the primaries, Biden would need to step down or the Party would need to acknowledge that the Clinton strategy of pushing their pick even if unpopular isn’t a safe one.

Voters tend to not show up for primaries against incumbents, but unenthusiastic or marginalized voters also tend to not show up to elections. Or put another way, an incumbent winning a primary isn’t indicative of a candidate winning an election. And I have no faith that Biden can win an election. That the DNC does is frightening and delusional.

Or are you saying that you wouldn’t vote for any Democratic candidate except Biden? What on earth does the party have to lose by having Biden step down?

What exactly did you do to help Dean Phillips' campaign?

Or are you saying that you wouldn’t vote for any Democratic candidate except Biden? What on earth does the party have to lose by having Biden step down?

I'll vote for whoever will stop Trump to prevent the ongoing queer genocide you apparently don't care much about from getting worse and taking my daughter with it.

Who do you suggest I vote for if Biden appears to be the one most likely to save my daughter's life?

lol, it’s nothing but moving goalposts with you, is it?

Your daughter’s life doesn’t mean enough to you to help me get an electable candidate through the primaries. When she asks you what you did to save her, you can say you argued with people on the internet. Sleep with that on your conscience.

I apologize for being too seriously ill to do anything about the primaries. And also for not being a member of the Democratic Party. What did you do for Dean Phillips? I already asked you and you won't say. Should I guess that you did essentially nothing?

I am not moving the goalposts at all. First of all, this is the very first comment I made in this thread:

I keep telling people- the queer genocide that has already begun with Republican restrictions on trans rights and medical care is going to ramp way up and encompass queer people as a whole. Including my daughter.

And yet I keep being told I’m excusing genocide by voting for Biden in order to stop Trump from killing her.

Secondly, you blatantly asked me if I'd vote for any Democrat other than Biden:

Or are you saying that you wouldn’t vote for any Democratic candidate except Biden?

The answer is yes, if they can beat Trump. I have no idea why you think answering your question is moving the goalposts. That seems like just as silly a lie as when you accused me of supporting genocide- the very thing I said people keep telling me I'm doing by voting for Biden to save my daughter's life in my very first post. Surprise, surprise.

You’re admitting you’ve done nothing, yet you have the audacity to ask me to quantify what I’ve done. I’m very politically active, but I’m not going to go into the details here. I don’t live on this site and don’t want to spend more time than I already have arguing with randos with weird agendas.

You’re admitting you’ve done nothing

Yeah, weird how not being able to eat any solid food for months doesn't give you the energy to go door-to-door for more than about 15 minutes.

Believe it or not, cancer patients and people with immunodeficiency diseases don't have the energy to do much canvassing either.

But sure, run away after all the ridiculous lies. That's fine.

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Genocide Joe

Jesus Christ. The US government has never given a single shit about the plight of the Palestinians.

The politicians just need a bit more time steeping before they’ll be ready to pretend that they supported Palestine all along. That is of course, if the public continues to like the cause.

Sure, but this is part of the process. If we don’t call them out, they assume that everything is peachy and the status quo is their mandate. I’ll admit it’s inflammatory and over the top, but it’s sort of catchy.

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