YouTube Music staff laid off in middle of meeting about employment rights with Austin City Council to Not The – 446 points –
YouTube Music staff laid off in middle of meeting about employment rights with Austin City Council

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I'm sure this was labor retaliation or something but watching YouTube music eat google music and then steadily get worse. I don't know. Fuck google and their lack of support. I don't like Spotify particularly but now I use it because i really hated youtube music's suggestion algorithm.

Time for a rebrand!

Google Music with Podcasts™️.

In the store it's of course advertised like just about any app from a large company, as something like "Google Music, fast&secure". Seriously, why do all big apps want to desperately sound like really bad chinese malware?!

Youtube Music's interface is a cluttered mess and I much preferred the spartan UI of Google Play Music. It took much time for the former to reach feature parity as well. Oh, and now they shutdown their dedicated Podcasts app in favor of merging It into YT Music. It is a disappointment, to say the least.

Yeah play music looked good, it was easy to find full albums by genre, and their suggestion algorithm played stuff I liked but had never heard.

The podcast app sucked anyway, couldn't even download episodes to the SD card.

I don't think it's even reached feature parity. I think YouTube Music still doesn't let you upload your own music to your account?

One can upload their own music to Youtube/Music's servers via their web client.

I really hated YouTube Music’s suggestion algorithm.

Interesting! I’ve often been really impressed by the playlists it throws together (but I recognize my experience is certainly not universal).

I hate YouTube Music for other reasons, like how they fucked up my Google Play Music library, and how playlists and even legitimate albums will have songs that won’t play because the same song is elsewhere on YouTube (like in the Top Gun Maverick soundtrack Danger Zone won’t play, because it’s in the original Top Gun soundtrack).

Whenever I say (OK google, play xxx radio) within twenty songs all the playlists end up being The Band or electroswing. Which are things I like but I'm trying to find novel music not stuff I already like

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Same. Always hated Spotify, always avoided them.

But the absolute shitshow of an app that was/is early Youtube Music drove me to Spotify regardless. Good work, Google, I was a happily paying customer for years.

Same same. I'm thinking of trying tidal next when my introductory pricing on Spotify ends. I tried just using other apps for Spotify that uses youtube but my family is addicted to voice control through the smart speakers.

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