Nikki Haley to end presidential campaign, ceding GOP nomination to Trump to politics – 144 points –
Nikki Haley to end presidential campaign, ceding GOP nomination to Trump

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Her revenge could be to endorse Biden.

She won’t.

Trump’s campaign would be smart to entice her to be VP to win back her voters and put a woman on the ballot in an election cycle where women’s rights are on the line and people are angry.

She’ll ultimately sell out and accept the nomination for VP.

Yeah, put the woman who had to desperately walk back her comments about IVF on the ballot to signal they care about women's rights lol.

Becoming what she hated the most a run of the mill spineless republican.

How does one become what one has always been.

Trump literally just says and does the things he thinks will make him popular. Same as any Republican elected official. Haley will rush to court the mental illness of her voters just as much as Trump will.

Sincerely being a woman she has more balls that all the rest of the GOP together but still on board with "the party" so yes dude, is all a cult of sick MFs.

As someone else said, trump has to be within 1000 big Macs of a fatal heart attack so being next in line would be a smart play for her

Haley won’t announce an endorsement Wednesday, two people told NBC News. Instead she will encourage Trump, who is close to having the delegates needed to win the GOP nomination, to earn the support of Republicans and independent voters who backed her, one of the sources said.

Source: The article

Haley will come around and endorse eventually

Her revenge could be to run 3rd party and fuck trump in the ass with Lady Justice’s scales, but she won’t do that. She’s just another worthless republican traitor.