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Know everything else, what's "both"?

The last panel on its own could be one of a few different things.


A person who identifies as androgyne has a gender that is either both masculine and feminine or between masculine and feminine.


A person who identifies as bigender has two genders.

People who are bigender often display cultural masculine and feminine roles.

Polygender and pangender

People who identify as polygender or pangender experience and display parts of multiple genders.

But I think Genderfluid is still correct for the last panel in the context of the comic as a whole.


A person who identifies as genderfluid has a gender identity and presentation that shifts between, or shifts outside of, society’s expectations of gender.

Would you care to consider a hermaphroditic body as an option?

I think that is a separate circumstance all together. A person with multiple sex characteristics could have any possible gender identity like any other person. The whole point of gender identity is that there is no guaranteed link between a person's sex and gender. A person with multiple sex characteristics could identify as nonbinary and that is completely valid.

There are also non-binary affirming sex surgeries as well. Even if you weren't born with both, it is still possible to have both. I think it's pretty neat how far gender affirming care has come! We're on our way to completely shedding the old conceptions of binary sex and gender despite reactionaries

Yes, it is separate and i meant it as such in a 'why settle for less when you can be more' kind of way.

I think that is a separate circumstance all together.

How so? They are a shapeshifter, I don't think intersex forms would be off limits if gender swapping and animals/non-humans are fine.

The whole point of gender identity is that there is no guaranteed link between a person's sex and gender.

Even more so with shapeshifters since they can change sex and form at will, like changing an outfit.

A person with multiple sex characteristics could identify as nonbinary and that is completely valid.

Still true, it's just a bit different with shapeshifters because they can change their form in ways most people can't.

How so? They are a shapeshifter, I don’t think intersex forms would be off limits if gender swapping and animals/non-humans are fine.

I was referring to human persons, not ice giant persons with shapeshifting powers. Which is what I assumed the question I was answering was referring to since they were responding to a comment I wrote that was answering a question that I assume refers to human persons.

Also even in the case of beings with shapeshifting powers, genitalia are irrelevant to gender identity.

I would say it's even more irrelevant in that case, since shapeshifters can change their body and appearance at will, as easily as changing clothes.

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