Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version to – 673 points –
Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version

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Yeah, Proton is awesome, that's for sure. Now, being a "security and privacy" company, it blows my mind that they put so much effort on making apps for Windows and Mac first, leaving Linux behind, and when they finally get to it, they just dump in a glorified PWA. This world is really weird 🤣🤣

And that they decided to go with RPM and DEB instead of just doing a Flatpak

Are you kidding me? Doesn't bother me that much, as I use Thunderbird with Protonmail bridge. I'm still waiting on Proton Drive for linux. Well, I'm gonna end up self hosting at this point. :(

Tbh it should have simply been a flatpak

I prefer rpm over flatpak. at least I know any os dependency updates are happening regularly, flatpak may not get weekly dependency updates from proton

Its kinda annoying for anyone not on debian or fedora (and derivatives) though.

I'm on OpenSuse which will take a Fedora RPM, and most will take deb, if they don't you can uae the alien tool to convert it for your OS...extra steps which sucks

OpenSUSE does not have Fedoras ABI or package names. The RPMs aren’t compatible.

This one might work as its just Electron.

I installed it and it works. i have also installed other Fedora RPMs. RPM can contain repo links to dependecies needed. or just contain all the libraries needed. OpenSUSE will install it and just treat them as Orphaned Packages (in the later case)

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it blows my mind that they put so much effort on making apps for Windows and Mac first, leaving Linux behind

Because most people use Windows and Mac, including their clients. It's not the world that is weird, it's people who don't understand such basic things. You don't focus on 5% of your users.

Capitalism is weird? Ok, but this is what we have.

I had no idea the whole world was capitalist, but I guess I don't know everything. And there's the fact that I mentioned the world, not a form of political economy. But yeah, capitalism is weird.

It's a native app on Windows and Mac?

I don't use either OS, but the apps are .DMG (Mac) and .exe (Windows), so I believe they are, yes.

PWAs can be packed in .dmg and .exe.

I had no idea. That's good information to have. And my wife doesn't get why I spend so much time in Lemmy. I learn more here than with all the online courses I take regularly put together. I love this community.

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