Biden campaign calls Trump ‘Broke Don’ after he lags in fundraising to politics – 442 points –
Biden campaign calls Trump ‘Broke Don’ after he lags in fundraising

President Biden’s reelection campaign is pouncing on former President Trump’s fundraising numbers, dubbing its political rival “Broke Don” on Thursday.

“Not a Winning Campaign: Broke Don Hides in Basement,” the campaign wrote in an email. “Trump can’t raise money, isn’t campaigning, and is letting convicts and conspiracy theorists run his campaign.”

Election filings made public Wednesday showed Trump’s 2024 campaign brought in $10.9 million last month, while his joint fundraising committee raised nearly $11 million. It has about $42 million in cash on hand. 

Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign operation raised roughly $53 million in February, which gave it $155 million in cash on hand entering March.


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both Trump and Biden should do the right thing and step aside

Biden is using the fall of Roe v. Wade to raise funds and he signed some executive order on women's health research or something that amounts to very little when he could have used the same amount of energy and paper restoring women's rights

Trump did nothing to advance the country forward and is fund raising on extreme far right comments such as christian ideologies

not allowed to vote but if was allowed to definitely would not vote for either corporate owned party

Biden is far from perfect and the people of the USA do deserve better choices... But to pretend Biden is anywhere near the vicinity of bad as Donal Trump is simply veiled simping for Trump

GOP speaking when they are ahead. "We're ahead because we are smarter and more moral than the idiot Leftists."

GOP speaking when they are behind. "Both sides are the same."

Maybe Taylor Swift can explain it better: We are never ever ever getting different nominees.

These are the candidates. The end. And I would vote for a moldy cumsock if the alternative is Trump. But Biden has done surprisingly well given the hand (Congress and the supreme court) he was dealt. We could do so much worse.

Hmm. I’m interested in getting more info on this Moldy Cumsock candidate. What are their positions on abortion as healthcare, housing reform, and immigration reform? Who is their running mate? (I hope it’s Skidmarked Underwear, I’ve heard good things about them)

Big proponent of debt discharge. Also their infrastructure plan involves large erections. They've voted several times for beautifing the landscape. Their health plan encourages lots of pushups. Overall, it's a platform many people would fall to their knees for.

Ya know? I thought your previous comment would have beeny favorite one for today, but then you went ahead and whipped out this beautiful piece!

We are never ever ever getting different nominees.

not as long as 
think that they 
don't need to

they will never ever ever give up power peacefully
never ever ever
getting different nominees.

i'm still workshopping it but i think it's a worthwhile endeavor. i'm open to more re-writes or suggestions.

Abortion rights can't be changed by order of the president. It takes an act of Congress or The Supreme Court. Biden did what he could by allowing abortion pills to be sold by mail across state lines.

Can you explain exactly how Biden could have used "exactly the same amount of energy and paper restoring women's rights"? Be explicit and specific, please.

instead putting effort into this

he could have just restored what the Supreme Court took away instead of signing executive orders for "more research on the matter"

go to playbook for democrats - research this problem but never find solutions

would it not have been the same amount of work and paper signing? or does he just need something to run on and fundraise for?

It doesn't work that way. The President cannot override a SCOTUS ruling - only Congress passing a law, or the Supreme Court reversing one of their own rulings, can do that.

Restored it how. Give specific, explicit steps. Don't state a goal and then assume that he can set the goal and it happens. There are specific actions he would take to do this. What are they?

I remember when I was 14, too. Things aren't as simple as you want them to be, champ.

both Trump and Biden should do the right thing and step aside

Yeah, but they won't and the primaries are effectively over, so making this argument at this point is basically fascist propaganda.

You aren't fooling anyone.

Now that's not fair... there are some conservatives here that might fall for his propaganda.

he could have used the same amount of energy and paper restoring women’s rights

The president is not a king...

Whatever chief. Both sides are not the same.

There's no reason for a sitting President to step aside and not run for a second term. Johnson did it in 1968 because, I think, a) he had already served part of JFKs term + his own term and b) he was tired of Vietnam.

Neither of which is applicable in Biden's case.

Second, Biden can't do anything to restore abortion rights, that is not in his power.

The Supreme Court struck down the ruling of a previous court, now it's on the House and Senate to either pass a new law or a new Constitutional Amendment. Neither of which Biden has anything to do with.

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