Catherine, Princess of Wales, Has Cancer to – 205 points –
Catherine, Princess of Wales, Has Cancer

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has been diagnosed with cancer and has begun chemotherapy, she announced in a video message on Friday, in which she described the past two months as “incredibly tough for our entire family.”

It comes after a period of intense uncertainty about the health of Catherine, who underwent abdominal surgery in January and largely disappeared from public view as she tried to recuperate.

Like the king, Catherine, 42, did not specify what kind of cancer she has, but asked the public and news media to respect her desire for privacy.


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Jesus fucking christ man. How fucked in the head are you? Hitler having cancer is no worse than any other person getting cancer, I agree it's not exactly news or worth being upset over more than anyone else getting it, but don't wish death on people, thats just psychoward behaviour.

Sorry... are you comparing Kate Middleton to Hitler?

No, I'm saying not wishing ill on people isn't an absolute. And yeah, I wish ill on hereditary supposedly demi-gods. So sue me.

She's not a "hereditary supposedly demi-god." Firstly because no one in Britain thinks of the royals that way and secondly, because she married into it, so it wasn't hereditary for her.

But sure, don't let her decide who she gets to love and marry.

It doesn't matter what people think, this is how monarchy works. And sure she married into it, so did Marie-Antoinette, and her kids will inherit it, so that point is moot.

I see. So it's okay to be happy about her cancer because her kids inherit a figurehead position with no actual power due to who she married.

Don't worry, I wish it on her kids (when they grow up) too!

And no, it's not true that the British Crown has no real power. They fair regularly influence legislation directly, and foreign policy in more indirect manners.

Because they chose to be born?

Because they choose not to renounce to their inherited powers, sure.

Sorry... you know somehow that they won't do this and so because of that, you wish cancer on them?

And even if they don't do that... what exactly would they have done in their lives that would justify a horrible, slow, agonizing death?

We don't do that to multiple-murderers in most countries.

Not worth arguing with them honestly. Either a troll or some serious mental issues.

I said when they grown up.

And I agree, the guillotine is faster and more humane.

Again- what would they do to deserve a guillotine? They would not be absolute monarchs. The power invested in the British crown is negligible.

So what in specific would they do to be worthy of execution or cancer besides be part of an archaic system with no power attached to it?

It's like you don't even understand what the point of the French Revolution was.

The power invested in the British crown is negligible.

They literally amend laws on a whim and dictate foreign policy. I wouldn't call that negligible, no.

You keep saying the crown has no power, this is patently false.

Not to mention that symbolism matters.

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I hope you get the help you need, you are clearly very troubled. It's never too late to reach out for assistance.

I'm fine thanks. Down with the monarchy! Long live the free people. Up the RA!

I think it's y'all who are troubled, venerating hereditary demi-gods.

I'd imagine hitler gettng cancer would be significantly better than any other person getting cancer.

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