Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation to politics – 596 points –
Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also issued their own statements affirming that community health depends on supporting trans people too.

“Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation,” Biden wrote in his statement. “Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”


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I don't like it either, but at least he's not calling for Israel to finish the job (with a nuke). This is how low our standards have dropped.

It's a 10 day old account, they are 100% a bad faith actor, and you know this because they don't acknowledge any of the ways to push for better treatment of Palestinian civilians. They are using them as a prop to tell people to not vote for Joe Biden (which is its own brand of fucked up privileged), even though Joe Biden is pretty famous for being bullied into better positions. Voting against fascists is, indeed, the right move, and Joe Biden might be a centrist liberal, but he isn't a fucking fascist.

my first post here is asking what Lemmy is lol I'm just new here

And you are acting in bad faith. You set up a straw man argument so you can bash people for whatever their choice is. If you really meant to have actual discussion, you would. Instead you spout right-wing bullshit about “Biden bad boohoo”

You say he is the genocidal one, while he is actively being pushed to change his ways and taking responsibility while correcting the behavior. Slowly but surely. As opposed to the other side, which literally just wants to drop a nuke on the situation.

When people call you a bad-faith actor, it’s because you’re acting in bad faith.

He literally sent more weapons to Israel yesterday. You're dumb as hell if you think he's going to push back against the mainstream Democratic opinion that is in support of Israel. Only way to convince Democrats to change is to stop voting for them.

Joe Biden is a fascist

I'm not sure you understand what a fascist is. Look at Modi and his party in India for a contemporary example.

I start with Mussolini

You have to separate the defining traits of a fascist regime from the other traits which typically accompany them. Some of them aren't exclusive characteristics of a fascist regime, they're just traits of conservative regimes in general.

no, I dont. a fascist is a fascist.

What? No that's my whole point. Fascism is a specific thing, it isn't just any old authoritarian conservative government.

I know what fascism is. america is fascist. the Democrats and Republicans maintain the fascist state.

Well if you want to use your own definition of fascist, I suppose anything can be fascist if you want it to be.

A question, so I can better understand your definition -- is China fascist?

absolutely. it's clear the states interests supercede all other interests and that they have aligned all institutions with the interest of the state.

You're consistent, I'll give you that.

i take that as a high compliment, but i assure you you'll find inconsistencies if you push hard enough and in enough places.

f you want to use your own definition of fascist

I'm using Mussolini's

I'm sure you've heard all the arguments, if you are curious about my thoughts you can dig through my comment history or do some googling and guess at what they could be.

I think your sphincter is squeezing your neck too tight, and it's cutting off the circulation to your brain.

This is an excellent insult and I might re use it.

That's so nice of you to say! I'm quite proud of it. It just came to me out of nowhere for this comment. By all means, use it as if it were your own.


Look who it is! It's my adorable little angry puppy that follows me around to various threads. Half the credit for this line goes to you and your tight little brown starfish.

pats them on their little red head

funny how you only post about trans stuff lately but you're not even trans you terf ass. I know you're a terf bc those are the only people who use terf terminology like "genetic men".

Yeah, you caught me, I've been learning about trans issues lately. From what I've gathered, you and Tucker Carlson are both trying very hard to stop trans education. Although it seems he is a bit more skilled at it than you.

please stop learning about trans issues!!!

Oh my. I must be an idiot. I just realized that you almost certainly are an anti-trans troll. There is no way that anyone who was pro-trans would be trying so hard to make them look so comicly awful. If you would like to have a conversation while representing your actual position, I would be open to it. For real, I know that it may be a bit intimidating, but if you spend some time trying to get to know some real live trans people, it may really change your mind.

Sorry it took me so long. I feel like I've never been on the internet vefore or something. You really got me good. Well done, internet stranger, well done. I gotta hand it to you. You really had me believing you for a while. You win this round, you cheeky bastard.

all the time you spent writing these damn paragraphs for noone to read, you could be spending reading a book or listening to trans people

Well, at least now I'm a little bit better at determining when I'm talking to a bigot attempting to drum up hate against trans people by mascarading as one of the worst of them. So it's not a total waste of time, I suppose. I guess it adds to the sweetness knowing that I've wasted your time as well, considering your sneaky little plan ended up not working after all.

Also, now I'm able to warn anyone else that you try your little trick on. All in all, I'd say it's worth it. Although, considering how new your account is, I guess this is the part of the game where you just make a new account and try again. In hindsight, I guess I should have just let you go on thinking it was working.

It has also helped me to improve my English. On top of that, I've learned a bit about "stylometry" because I had chatgpt talk me through making a python script that uses the lemmy API(turns out its a thing) that scans lemmy comments looking for your writing style so I can hopefully determine whatever your other(and future) accounts are. Hopefully, I can squash you out before you have a chance to trick anyone else. Trans people are too special, and if you are going to try so hard to hurt them, then I will be damned if I don't fight back to help them.

You adorable little Tucker Carlson wannabe, you. You had a good run.

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trans people don't need your support!! go away!!

Now that I know what you are doing, I realise that this is probably the most genuine thing you've said in our entire conversation. I feel so played.

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