Magnitude 4.8 Earthquake Strikes New York Metro Area and East Coast to – 299 points –
Earthquake hits U.S. East Coast, shaking buildings from Philadelphia to Boston

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Serious question here: how terrible that earthquake was for you guys?

Here in Chile, 4.8 is like nothing happened at all. The news wouldn't cover it.

If this was California, no one would care. Most Californians feel a few of those a year.

Problem is, this part of the country does not normally get earthquakes. So the people aren’t used to feeling them, and a lot of structures are not built to move. And the latter issue can be dangerous.

There was no damage or disruptions so it wasn't terrible by any means.

It's definitely a rare event for the north eastern coast of north america.

I've never felt an earthquake, sometimes you can feel a 2.0 where we live - a little rumble.

So having a full on 4.8 is noteworthy because it's rare, novel, and many people did not know what was happening until it had passed. I was worried my house would be damaged from it but i don't think anything even fell off the shelves.

I was in my lab when it happened and felt like a car with octagonal wheels was driving down the hallway. Its out of the ordinary for us in the NY area though so everyone got excited. Hope that analogy helps

When it starts sounding like square wheels it's time to seek shelter

It was probably heptagonal but I wanted an even number.

I absolutely love this analogy. And I feel I may know fairly well how it felt.

It doesn't sound like it did much damage, that area just (a) has a ton of people living in a small space and (b) doesn't typically have earthquakes. Like I literally can't remember NYC ever having an earthquake before.

We had an earthquake in 2011. It was 5.8 magnitude.

On the west coast of the US, you don’t even flinch for a 4.8, on the east coast of the US, it’s a big fucking deal.

I was in Kathmandu when a big 7.8 earthquake hit in 2015. We’ve had hundres’ of aftershock of 4 to 5 degree magnitude for over more than 6 months lol.

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