Millennials are exhausted by working more for less. to Not The – 1049 points –
Millennials are exhausted by working more for less | Letters

(water is wet and fire is hot).


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This title is true, however there’s always something funny to me with so much of Lemmys user base being computer programmers who work like, maybe 3 actual hours a day (from home) going “ugh yes. No one in history has ever worked as fucking hard as I do for little pay” (they are in the top 20% of income in their country).

Honey, the fact that I am a programmer doesn't mean I have a job doing that. I am currently earning more as a technical support agent than the best offer I got, after searching for months, ever since my last programming and database management position became redundant thanks to AI.

Plus, the world where programmers work as you say "like, maybe 3 actual hours a day (from home)" has been nearly extinct for almost a decade for most of us.

Yes. That does not take away from the fact that you are not particularly oppressed by working in tech in an educated position compared to the vast swath of people.

I’m not saying you have zero problems. It’s just that people on Lemmy tend to portray their conditions as being this hellish nightmare when the average roofer or manual laborer is undoubtably working “harder”. The user base here tends to advocate strongly for white collar tech workers and lose sight of the vast amount of people who have it worse

We all have our tolerance thresholds. Some people can live in a shared apartment with multiple other people, I can not. My health conditions, night terrors, PTSD and a few other things are reasons why I would probably not last long living like that. And I can't burden my elderly parents, they are barely above the poverty line as it is, plus my dad is still working into his 70s just to make ends meet.

But since I live in a place where the official treatment for drug resistant depression is telling you "You're just lazy, go pray and stop wasting the state's resources", there is not much I can do.

Between the apathy and ridicule from people like you, and the manufactured scarcity and famine the people is living, no wonder the suicide rate is steadily rising pretty much everywhere.

Bitch, you don't know my life to say I am not oppressed, and I only covered a couple things, because it is not like you are going to read this and change your mind.

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Who’s working “maybe” 3 hrs a day… all the programmers I work with every day are on 10 hr days right now…..

But I’ve seen enough of your comments in this thread, so I’m super sure you “know a guy” who will prove little ol me wrong.


Let me translate: he's saying your full of bullshit.

Wow, that’s really helpful man. It’s not performative at all. I like it when he quoted a sentence I never said before.

I make decent money for a janitor but I'm Union that's why. The hours suck though

That’s good! I was a janitor for a while. One of my favorite jobs, actually. I’m a big fan of unions. I just think a lot of people on this website specifically fundamentally just don’t understand what goes into forming them, and what exact results to expect from them

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