Colombia seeks to join Gaza genocide case against Israel at World Court to World – 219 points –
  • Colombia has requested permission from the International Court of Justice to intervene in South Africa's case against Israel for genocide in Gaza, aiming to protect Palestinian safety and existence.
  • The ICJ has ordered Israel to ensure timely food supplies to Gaza and previously instructed Israel to refrain from actions under the genocide convention and to prevent genocidal acts against Palestinians, which Israel denies, attributing its actions to targeting Hamas rather than civilians.

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Is this the genocide case started by south Africa? Isn't south Africa currently supporting Russia?

They don't support Russia in any way that is conceivably comparable to how the US, UK, or Germany are supporting Israel. There is no equivalency.

That's a shaky, unproven allegation for something that is far far far far faaaaaaar less intense compared to the West's support for Israeli crimes.

It has nothing to do with Russia. It's a formal process started by South Africa (who have a long-standing interest in Palestinian human rights because of Apartheid). They have so far been formally joined by Nicaragua and now Colombia.

A bunch of other countries have expressed support and may join at a future date, including Ireland and the African Union.

Every second we spent talking about Palestine is time we aren't talking about Russia. Do the maths and u try pretebd u care about saving the maximum number of human lives possible and u will find that Palestine means nothing compared to the Russian threat.

Agree. That's why Israelis should cease fire immediately, dismantle the occupation and apartheid, recognize Palestine and pay reparations. So we can focus on what's actually dangerous to world peace.

Let's focus on the small little distraction fish while the big fish is getting away Scott free.

Occupation requires an opposing military force.

Apartheid requires minority rule over the majority.

Consider this post the dismantling you're waiting for.

Occupation is what every country in the world calls the situation.

Apartheid is what apartheid scholars, human rights groups, South Africans who went through apartheid, Israeli peace organizations and Palestinians (you know, the people directly affected) are calling the situation.

Your little attempt at dictionary lawyering is no argument.

Keep up the denial


Amnesty International has analysed Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid. Israel must dismantle this cruel system and the international community must pressure it to do so. All those with jurisdiction over the crimes committed to maintain the system should investigate them.

Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B'TSelem Report, Explainer

In contrast, many prominent international institutions, organizations and bodiesβ€”including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, UN General Assembly (UNGA), European Union (EU), African Union, International Criminal Court (ICC) (both Pre-Trial Chamber I and the Office of the Prosecutor), Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watchβ€”as well as international legal experts and other organizations, argue that Israel has occupied Palestinian territories including Gaza since 1967.1 While they acknowledge that Israel no longer had the traditional marker of effective control after the disengagementβ€”a military presenceβ€”they hold that with the help of technology, it has maintained the requisite control in other ways.

Gaza Blockade is still Occupation

No, we can talk about both and palestine situation is a lot worse.

And compared to the Iranian threat.

Purely cos of population they aren't too much of a problem. Aren't they funding Hama's as well or something?

100,000,000 people live in Iran.

Yes. They fund Hamas. They are religiously chosen to lead a new Islamic Caliphate headquartered in Jerusalem, they think.

Well for now they are behaving themselves and they have openly said they will not move against Israel due to how Hammad was treated when they moved against Israel. Standard fight to end all fights overreaction type thing.

The 100,000,000 peole in Iran all fund genocide?

I guess if you are an American, then you are also funding genocide by this logic. You and every single American in existence.

I think you don't view Middle Easterners as humans.

Yes they do and Russia is happier than ever. The more that people talk about Israel/Gaza, the less they talk about the Russian strategy in Ukraine being mass murder, rape and torture of civilians.

Wow, those are some serious mental gymnastics, if you think people are only upset about a literal genocide as some sort of distraction.

Still, if that's what you and @muntedcrocodile genuinely believe, I'd expect you both would be posting articles on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and drawing the kinds of attention you want for that issue.

But when I look at your profiles, neither of you appear to be doing that.

I haven't posted a single thing for anything on this account go find my .world account and u can see all the Russian shills I argue with.

Okay I went and had a look at it, you're still not posting any articles. You need to contribute more content on Ukraine if you want people to talk about that content.

The threads part of the fediverse is small, it doesn't get the paid political astroturfer shills and bots that reddit gets. Most people on here are real people holding real opinions.

You're not going to win more attention for Ukraine by telling people like me that we are somehow pro-Russian just for caring about a genocide.

So endless arguing with people who are pro Russia and up voting most posts I see pales in comparison to posting about it. Would you be satisfied if I wrote a bot to spam the fediverse?

I'm not saying ur pro Russia I'm simply saying that Palestine is a distraction by every metric and of a magnitude insignificant to that of russia.

Did u know that the civilian solder death ration in Palestine is almost identical to all city based warfare. Is it a war crime probably but then again there are hundreds of those in every war, is it a genocide no.

Did u know that the civilian solder death ration in Palestine is almost identical to all city based warfare.

I know for a fact that's completely false. The civilian death toll in Gaza is much higher than in comparable conflicts. You're clearly regurgitating fake facts from Israelis or something.

In fact the Gaza death toll in 5 months was 1.5% of the population (hald of whom are children). For comparison in 2 years the Bosnian Genocide death toll was 3% of the population.

Look I was sympathetic to you wanting people to talk more about Ukraine but trying to derail other conversations and denying a genocide is not cool.

I'm interested in human rights of all kinds and I'm going to talk about all of them as much as I want.

There is no comparable conflict in world history. The tunnels are unprecedented.

Plus the numbers are dropping. 1.5% right now, and people have been saying that number for the last two months. Catastrophic famine has been imminent for four months.

I wish I had time and skill to make a graph of cumulative death toll, month to month, and then extrapolate the number of deaths per day, so we could visualize how the conflict has been winding down almost since it began. By my rough estimation from a few news articles about the death tolls, spread out through March anyway, is that monthly deaths have decreased 20%, month over month. Doesn't take very many months to see that the genocide apparatus of Israel either doesn't exist or is utterly incompetent.You know, the death toll has been "1.5%" for two months.

1.1 million people are on the verge of starvation

And have been for four months.

But contrary to the grim ragebait of most news articles, aid has been flowing. Is it Schrodinger's humanitarian aid? Simultaneously existing in such quantities as to be landing on people's heads and killing them while also not existing?

Yazan Kafarneh and at least 31 others have died of hunger in the past 6 weeks. Why do you think people are dying grizzly deaths from pallets of food droping out of the sky?

There's been easily 50+ highly upvoted articles posted to several topical communities lambasting the evil Israelis for what virtually all agreed were intentional military and political attacks on food aid, and of literally using hunger as an instrumentality of genocide, and the whole of the evidence amounts to 31 cases? How does that fact not throw up a massive red flag to your rational brain that your cumulative media diet has left you with a grossly exaggerated, emotionally-colored view which does not match reality?

Western interests and policies concerning the middle east are based on the state of relations, and especially the military posture, as between Israel and Iran, the homes 100,000,000 people, and the serious implications of a broader war in the region.

Are you saying you've know for five months that all these indictments against Israel for weaponizing hunger were slowly ticking up from a few, to a dozen, to a couple of dozen to, thirty-one people, and your concern for them is such that, in your personal calculus, you would set mid east policy with greater regard for the thirty one then the perhaps 31,000,000 who could die in a broader war? The concern I have is for a cascade of failed states, each crumbling under the weight of the masses of refugees fleeing the place before, which would spread through North Africa, into some of the Afrotropic states, especially those already facing catastrophic food shortages, up through eastern Europe and the Balkins, Greece, Italy, blast through the stans and into Inner Asia, where maybe the crisis will spill over enough into India and Russia.

The evidence for Israel using hunger as a weapon of genocide is vast. There are thousands of trucks held up at the Gaza border. There have now been several flour massacres where Israel fires on citizens trying to get food from trucks.

On Dec. 21, the WHO said:

An unprecedented 93% of the population in Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger, with insufficient food and high levels of malnutrition. At least 1 in 4 households are facing β€œcatastrophic conditions”: experiencing an extreme lack of food and starvation and having resorted to selling off their possessions and other extreme measures to afford a simple meal. Starvation, destitution and death are evident.

On recent missions to north Gaza, WHO staff say that every single person they spoke to in Gaza is hungry. Wherever they went, including hospitals and emergency wards, people asked them for food. β€œWe move around Gaza delivering medical supplies and people rush to our trucks hoping it’s food,” they said, calling it β€œan indicator of the desperation.”

Despite this, The Washington Post reported that "In February, justΒ 98 trucks per day crossed into Gaza on average, according to the United Nations, compared with an average of 170 per day in January."

Senator Van Hollen visited the Rafah border crossing in January and observed:

I mean, first of all, we saw miles of trucks backed up at the border crossing and the very cumbersome and arbitrary inspection process.

So, for example, we visited a warehouse full of goods that had been rejected. This included maternity kits. This included water purification systems. Allegedly, these were somehow dual-use items, but no reasonable person could conclude that.

On 9 October 2023, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant in an Israeli Army β€˜situation update’ advised that Israel was β€œimposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly."

Don't believe their words? Look at their actions. Don't believe their actions, look at the results. Don't believe the results? Well, I can't make you believe your lying eyes.

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Aid has not been flowing in until recently and Israel would not allow an atom of food in if they could.

This is not ragebait, it's real news, but you just call whatever you fear a bunch of names and move on.

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"Winding down" my fucking ass. Go ahead, do it, show us how 80 people dead per day instead of 100 is "winding it down".

The stench of death is all over Gaza, they will find dead bodies for months, and some of that blood is on your hands and it will never ever wash off.

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