Millennials are exhausted by working more for less. to Not The – 1049 points –
Millennials are exhausted by working more for less | Letters

(water is wet and fire is hot).


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This points out why the idea that boomers (as a whole) caused many of our modern problems upsets me

I sincerely doubt you voted for the situation you're in now

This in-fighting and blaming does nothing but detract from the real issue of who's doing this to us (spoiler alert: it's the politicians and it always has been)

Yeah some dude has a failed acting career, and now I have to hope my for profit insurance will cover a doctor or I'll be eating ramen for the rest of my life

"failed acting career" is apparently ending up the chair of the Screen Actors Guild, parlaying that into Governor of California and then the presidency, after being a known talent in the 50s.

Failed acting career applies to most of the current online right wing pundits spewing nonsense.

It’s not the politicians, they’re bought out for cheap, a low rung facilitator. A few tens of thousands is all the lobbying you need to own them.

It’s the corporations and capitalists who are to blame.

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