Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News to World – 484 points –
Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News

An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night


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Although it would explain why Israel is suddenly arranging to get dozens of jets from the US in the last month or so.

Forgive what feels like a nitpick, but we should take a moment for wider historical scorn. WaPo at the end of March:

Last week, the State Department authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A fighter jets and engines worth roughly $2.5 billion, U.S. officials said. The case was approved by Congress in 2008, so the department was not required to provide a new notification to lawmakers.

Biden owns the fuckup, but it comes after all the shit Israel put the administrations of Dubya, Obama, and Individual 1 through, and after all the atrocities upon the Great March of Return and the other surges of conflict. The planes could fill another allies’ order, the MIC could get their warbucks, and Joey could have kicked the can down the road, but here we are.

why the fuck do they have f-35s?

the Americans aren't even giving peripheral NATO countries f-35's, are they?

why the fuck are they getting f-35's?

even RPing as an american imperialist, I cannot think of a reason other than 'for the evulz'.

ugh that makes sense.

is... is Donald trump the less apocalyptic option?

is… is Donald trump the less apocalyptic option?

are you serious?

that's why I'm fucking shocked. all biden has to do is just fucking... well at this point he needs to glass the shit hole, but all he had to do last month was stop.

Yes, the US nuking Israel would definitely be less apocalyptic…

they aren't going to stop escalating until they literally can't. just cut to the end and minimize harm to the rest of us.

What do you mean by "peripheral" NATO countries? If you mean NATO countries other than the US, then I can inform you that some do have F-35 jets.

feel like youre missing the point here, maybe kind of on purpose.

You did ask a question that I attempted to answer... That does not entail in any way that I did not understand the other stuff you wrote nor that I dismissed it.

no? like I know France helped design the thing, so obviously they're getting them, but I know Poland and turkey dont have them yet, and I dont think they're going to soon.

the point is theyre not going to the people who serve amrrica's military interests.

Poland waiting has little to do with politics and more to do with when contracts were signed. They only signed in 2020.

Turkey is trying to develop their own 5th generation fighter after getting kicked out of the f35 program due to being a leaky sieve sending data to the Russians. That's on them.

By and large, the wait elsewhere is mostly to do with the bad reputation the program got before it was operational. Now that it's all in the past and it's proving to be an excellent fighter, contracts with allies are coming in faster than they can be produced. That's the price of waiting.

both kind of the point anf completely missing the point;

there are NATO countries, including those on the border of an ongoing war they expect to join pretty soon, who dont have them. why the fuck are the kapostanis getting them? so they can start world war 3 better?

That's a fair point, no need to apologize for keeping me accurate. I had read and forgotten that detail honestly, because in my head I lump the two deals together - the other one being the new $18 billion contract for F-15s that Biden's administration is seeking approval for currently. I think I mentally shorthand it to "arrangements for new jets going to Israel" but there is definitely detail involved as you point out.