Biden Bans the Use of Fossil Fuels in New Federal Buildings to – 593 points –
Biden Bans the Use of Fossil Fuels in New Federal Buildings

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Waiting for the "but but but Biden bad and doesn't do anything" comments.

aLL dEmOcRaTz sUpPoRt JeNoSiDe!!1

Yeah it was pretty unanimously supported

If you have a spare minute and thirty-two seconds.

Bernie Sanders: "Poll after poll shows that the American people do not want to give more military aid to Netanyahu"

voting for a government that's enabling a genocide is voting for that genocide to continue, no matter how you decide to answer on a poll

We're in a representative democracy that takes a couple years for all elected positions within a government to change completely assuming every person in said government was voted out. So I ask you, why the fuck would you assume massive change of policy and position within a year? Especially since support for Israel was pretty widespread for the better part of eighty years.

why would you assume a change of policy at all over any timescale if you keep electing people propping up a genocide?

Did ya fucken read my comment, most Americans werent aware of the genocide up until relatively recently. Even then traction against Israel has only built up within less than a fucken year, and I shall restate that the US has been backing Israel for longer than most people have been alive at this point. Why the fuck would you expect substantial change before theres even been an election.

why would you expect substantial change at any point if you re-elect a party after they spent a year propping up a genocide?

Bit of a shit situation is what I call it, we have two parties who are worth shit. One is violently genocidal both at home and abroad, while the other is only mildly genocidal abroad. Sorry to break it to you mate but there is only one effective choice.

And before ya come at me, imma just gonna point out that I fucken hate this fact. Im a socialist Redneck my ilk have been dealing with shit deals for over a hundred years, but the reason there are socialist Rednecks still around is cause pragmatism is a far more effective tool than throwing a hissy fit and checking out.

I dont like the shit pie but its far more effective than standing up and letting the shaped charage under my ass go off.

continuing to vote for the mildly genocidal party is not going to make the mildly genocidal party less genocidal

It can if ya vote in the primaries. The fact of the matter is that the parties didnt switch back in the 50s for no reason. The people winning the primaries swapped.

an incumbent has literally never lost a primary

biden was always more or less guaranteed to be the democratic nominee if he wanted to be

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You've got one side sending food and clean water while the other side advocates Netanyahu "finish the job", but sure "both sides bad" about it all you want.

Relatively small amounts of food and water and billions in weapons for the people attacking them...

10 US Naval Ships dedicated exclusively to aid to Gaza probably beats the 10 Bn Military Aid.

Nothing will stop you believing that, I guess.

Weird way to resign from an argument, but I feel it.

I mean, you're clearly not willing to be rational on this, or you would never have brought it up.

What do you want me to do, waste my time researching the daily operating costs? Spend hours hunting sources you'll just tl;Dr?

What's the point? Even if you're right, it's irrelevant.

What costs more, a bullet, or the medical care to recover from being shot? How much credit do you want to give someone for killing a hundred people while forcing a thousand out of their homes just because they only almost let the thousand starve to death in a refugee camp run by rapists?

you can talk around it with all the mental gymnastics you like, but ultimately voting for biden is a signal to the democratic party that their base doesn't care about genocide enough to not vote for him, which is all they care about

And not voting for Biden resulting in a Trump victory signals an immediate end to Palestinians, among many other horrible atrocities to come as the US declines into a mix of Plutocracy and Evangelical Theocracy.

implying palestine will last until january

oh ho ho

if you're fine with the trade off, make the trade off and vote biden

just don't pretend the trade off isn't happening

There is urgency for every single life at risk in this conflict, but it's not debateable that Palestine absolutely will exist in January and that the differences in US Admin could very well be the difference of hundreds of thousands of lives following the election.

i don't think the current round of genocide will last until january, no, whether or not a state called palestine is left standing or not

you're trading in the lives of the next palestine

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I'll admit that more people opposed the Ukraine Aid (all R tho) than the Israel Aid, but it's still wrong to say unanimously.

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yes offsetting climate emissions by the smallest possible degree is definitely equivalent to allowing the ongoing genocide attempt in gaza

legitimately what is your point?

There he is! Wooooo


hate to say it but i'll see you when trump wins

Nothing will ever be enough for you.

biden not throwing away any shot of winning a second term would be enough for me

Buddy he never had a chance with you, that’s why other guy said “nothing will ever be enough for you”

Guy lost your vote the moment the letter “D” was in front of his name.

how in the name of fuck are we still doing this

it's absolutely wild that you people are still willing to die on the hill of "anybody who doesn't want to vote for state sponsored genocide is a secret trump supporter"

Buddy, we’ve been watching you jackasses willing to die on a molehill for almost a decade now.

Also, you literally said you’re a Trumpy, so..

i literally said i would hate to see trump win: i don't see how that makes me a "trumpy"

gender isn't binary, sex isn't binary, and the us needs to veer drastically towards socialist policies if it wants to keep from tearing apart at the seams

what shibboleth would you like me to pass to validate that i am not in fact a secret right-winger, and am in fact just somebody who isn't a terribly big fan of genocide?

democrats have been rightfully decrying the right's refusal to condemn the countless moral failings on their side of the aisle for almost a decade now, but the thing that finally has the left circling the wagons is a literal genocide?

are you feeling okay?

i literally said i would hate to see trump win: i don't see how that makes me a "trumpy"

Then I assume you are voting for Biden if you are in a swing state, right?

please see previous comment:

how in the name of fuck are we still doing this

it's absolutely wild that you people are still willing to die on the hill of "anybody who doesn't want to vote for state sponsored genocide is a secret trump supporter"

Voting in Biden again signals to the democratic party that their base are willing to accept genocide. Are you fine with that?

Hate to break this to you but they do not hear you and they never will. Not voting or voting for a third party DOES NOT change the party platforms of the two major parties. Period. If it did, you would have seen major changes when Ross Perot took a massive chunk of votes. Twice. Guess what didn't happen? The Democrats at least have a good chunk of them wanting military support for Israel to end. And allowing Trump to be president will do nothing but absolutely make things worse in Gaza. Are you fine with that? Because that is what you are calling for. What you are doing is pushing for an even worse genocide. Good job.

Instead, maybe stop focusing your energy on inaction and pushing for others to waste their energy also not acting. Push for systemic changes to our voting. Many localities have implemented alternative voting methods that are not first past the post and two states have as well. Push for more of that. Push for an increase in the number of House seats and push for states to have proportional voting to select their House members. Push to make the electoral college toothless. There are initiatives for all of those. Focus your energy on those so we are not forced to pick between a turd and a shit sandwich. What you are doing changes absolutely nothing and only helps the candidate furthest from your views.

That said, if you are not in a swing state, vote for whatever presidential candidate you want. Nobody fucking cares unless you are in a swing state. Still push for al those things I mentioned in my previous paragraph though.

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Welcome to the war on independence.

You're either loyal to the tribe, or an enemy.

That’s some weapons-grade projection right there, lad.

You don't know what projection means.

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I say again, nothing will ever be enough for you. Ciao.

good lord how is it that every time i engage with a biden supporter it destroys the remaining faith i have that he might win reelection just that little bit more?

yes i am sure you will win this man re-election through snide remarks

fuck me

No, win with oh I don't know what this thread and article is about: green energy effectively. But every time it's always "but but but but but but but Biden bad!1!1!" Fuck me indeed, no conversation is even possible because it's "but but but but but but but but but". Ciao for real.

Waiting for the “but but but Biden bad and doesn’t do anything” comments.

golly gosh i must be mis-remembering because in my recollection it was very blatantly you who brought it up

i'm fine with small victories

i'm not fine with people using those small victories to justify legitimate grievances against biden

if you're somebody who needs biden to win come november, you should absolutely be making plans right now that assume he won't

The amount of point-missing that goes on with the left right now is astounding.

Maybe Trump will get convicted and this all becomes moot, but I swear, there are a huge contingent of people that are so disgusted with Biden and the pro-Israel left that they won't vote, even if they know it'll mean Trump gets in. And the head in the sand, victim-blaming left will all cry about how nobody showed up because they couldn't resist shitting on the centrists and pissing them off enough to stay home.

They're indoctrinated beyond belief.

You're either with them, or against them.

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