Israelis rally to demand ceasefire and Netanyahu's resignation to World – 1340 points –
Israelis rally to demand ceasefire and Netanyahu's resignation

"We hope the world hears us and knows that the people of Israel are not the government of Israel," said one protester.

Israelis protested on Saturday night, calling for a ceasefire and the resignation of hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Tens of thousands took to the streets in Tel Aviv to demand that the government reach a deal with Hamas to secure the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza. 

They also called for new elections, accusing Netanyahu of prolonging the conflict to keep himself in power.


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And this shows that those opposed to Israel's actions in Gaza are not antisemitic (ignoring the eventual neonazi assholes), they are opposed to a government that is committing genocide. Especially a government that governs a people THAT SHOULD KNOE BETTER.

I have no problems at all with Jews and I'm sure that, given people who really want peace, a good treaty can be made where both the Palestinians and the Israelites can peacefully coexist, that would be awesome.

However, right now saying even something like that is somehow antisemitic. If anything, I find that sort of behavior antisemitic, because it is so transparent that it pushes more people to the far right and into the hands of neo Nazis.

Stop the genocide, stop the war, withdraw ALL Israeli forces immediately and unconditionally. Then put in a peace keeping force comprised of multiple countries in that same area, and make sure they all work towards peace.

People like me get no love from anyone because I want the Jewish people to have Israel as their country, and I want to help protect the rights of Israelis. I also want the same for Palestinians.

People who perpetuate genocide against anyone shouldn’t be tolerated by civilized societies. The fact that mass killings exist in any form in human history is not a role model for the future.

I find it helps to name check the position you're describing, which is "a one-state solution".

How is what I am describing one-state? The reasonable path forward, which limits bloodshed and violence, is supporting both Israel’s and Palestine’s right to exist.

Sorry, I think I had a different comment open in a different tab and got confused before I had to run off to do something.

I'll leave it up, because I don't like to delete comments that have been replied to.

First of all if Israel, having such a strong military and industrial base, were not a piece of rotten evil, it could make a huge difference in the Middle-East.

But instead of actually working toward that end Israelis decided to put a kinda similar image and exploit it. Simultaneously having a narrative of "we tried, but they just don't want to live happily" in their propaganda and even believing that themselves.

First of all if Israel, having such a strong military and industrial base, were not a piece of rotten evil, it could make a huge difference in the Middle-East.

Well, then they are getting closer to losing that toy.

Then they wouldn't be the US and EU's middle East military base. Why do you think they have the money and weapons? To fight proxy wars and keep opec in check.

Palestine will reject any treaty. Like they always have. All they want is for Jews to be the minority or to leave entirely.


Report: Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-fire Deal; Israeli Officials Reject Prospect of War Ending

Archive link for posterity.

A headline from an article I need to pay to read that was sourced by hamas themselves? I'm sold! 🤣

No wonder the whole world doesn't take you far lefties seriously 😂

Sorry, reality doesn’t agree with your assertion. Also, your mask is slipping.

Hamas announced its acceptance Monday of an Egyptian-Qatari cease-fire proposal, but Israel said the deal did not meet its “core demands” and that it was pushing ahead with an assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah. source

it's difficult to choose your colonizer.

True. I say we give back the land to the people that were there first. Egypt and Jordan.

Yeah. Before that there were a Greek guy named Alexander, before that there assyrians. Let's give it back to them. Oh wait, there were since guys from deeper Africa before them... The concept of countries or nations is utterly stupid.

They agreed to treaties before that Israel rejected. But sure, blame the Palestinians

Israel jews are a different breed than the holocaust survivors. Germany paid reparations to Israel and barely, if any, actually made it to the actual survivors. They're generally not a good people. But I have seen protests and legit compassion from them to know that it's always the loudest voices that are most often heard.

There’s just one small flaw in your plan. Hamas has widespread support in Palestine and is not interested in peace, only in the destruction of Israel.

If you end the war you just go back to the previous situation where Hamas will continue to persistently launch rockets at Israel and execute more terror attacks, not peace.

Hamas has widespread support in Palestine


Wishing it to be untrue doesn’t work unfortunately

Aaah, like how similar the israeli and the nazi government is? Like the genocide against innocent Palestinians? Like IDF's human right violations?

Wishing it to be untrue doesn’t work unfortunately

"Now we've justified, that 70% of the murdered people are women and children, right? RIGHT?! REICH?!"

No, I’m not commenting on Israels methods which clearly could be better, to put it mildly. That doesn’t mean it’s logical to dream there can ever be peace with jihadists

Maybe it has such support because of Israel actions. I bet after the Netanjahu war crimes it will have 99%. Hell survivors probably will KoS anyone who even remotely resembles someone from Israel and will pass this tradition on generations to come.

I can understand why you’d think that coming from a position of logic, but no, it’s Islam.

You’re right, it’ll probably go from >50% to 99%. And probably few of them will ever acknowledge that their religion and support of Hamas is what led to this tragedy.

So what you want to just murder them all? Clean up the place? There are certain historical figures from ww2 Germany and Russia that figured out all the methods, bells and whistles.

Where did I say I wanted to murder anyone?

Where do you live? Was it always the country it is now? How would your government react to constant bombardment from a fanatical religious neighbour that wanted to wipe your country off the map to get into paradise?

Probably not digging mass graves everywhere. It would be lots of foundational work. Cultural assimilation. Economic warfare. Coca Cola. Replacing the leaders.

Violence is easiest and quickest but is also stupid and has opposite effect, unless of course we go all the way to a complete wipe out. Stalin way.

At this point there is no half measures. You have to go all the way, total wipeout. Those people will not forgive Israel in hundred years. It makes no sense to start genocide but not finish it. That would be pure madness and random convulsions of some blind, shortsighted idiot.

Hell, I would grab a grenade launcher myself at this point if I was in their shoes. This stuff is the worst possible way to handle it.

They could throw a nuke there and it wouldn’t be far off from the mess it is now.

Result is everyone hates them, people are all radicalised against them. Bombings inside Israel will probably continue nevertheless. Nothing is solved but there is a gargantuan pile of problems added.

I suspect the goal was populism all along. And this guy is a psychopath.

If they aren't interested in peace then why was it Netanyahu who just torpedoed the current cease fire proposal and not Hamas?

Clearly because he wants to eliminate the jihadist terrorist organisation. I’m not claiming that’s the right decision but I understand it. But it seems a lot of Israelis don’t support him.

But just because Netanyahu is no longer interested in peace doesn’t automatically make Hamas a peaceful group. The group that performs suicide bombings, uses human shields, beheads civilians, would stone you to death for drawing a picture of the prophet. They are not looking for peace no matter how much you downvote

okay, I've since read your other posts and it turn out you're just racist. Have a nice life.

If calling out problems with a religion is your idea of racism you need to check the dictionary

You’re right, the correct term is bigot. You’re a bigot.

I apologise. Religion is of course beyond criticism. What are your thoughts on Scientology out of curiosity?

Yeah, and who's to blame for that, literally by funding Hamas? The Israeli government.

If they could fund hamas then they can also fund schools, hospitals, help rebuild Gaza.

None of what you say should stand in the way of a peace treaty

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