Kristi Noem Suggests Biden’s Dog Should Have Been Killed, Too to Not The – 322 points –
Kristi Noem Suggests Biden’s Dog Should Have Been Killed, Too

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Republicans are now the pro-dog killing party lol. If there's one thing you can depend on Republicans to do, it's make the dumbest choice imaginable in any given situation.

And then double down on those choices. Their play book seems to consist of:

  • Doing something awful
  • Getting callled out and immediately doubling down on their awful choice
  • Attempt to re-frame said choice as their toughness that "snowflakes" couldn't understand
  • Then finally to just embrace the fact that they and their followers are just worthless people with very limited morals. Somehow this is also viewed as strength to them.

Thanks for reminding me about the proud boy leader taking a dildo up the ass near the last election.

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Don't forget the whole "real men wear diapers" thing

  • Support the police
  • Police shoot your dog
  • Shooting your dog is virtuous

It all adds up. /s

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