Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions

soloojos (Lemmy) to – 123 points –
Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions

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I do not trust this man to do anything in my best interest. He is a disingenuous and untrustworthy messenger, and if allowed to continue unchecked will end up the overlord of a new hyper-capitalist dystopian nightmare. I’m genuinely afraid of this guy and people like him.

I’ll remind folks that this is a man with such appalling hubris that he thinks he should be able to raise trillions of dollars to make his own fantasies come true.

I would never trust someone who surrounds themselves with the people Altman surrounds himself with. I always got bad vibes from Musk because he was close to people like Peter Thiel and it's the same with Altman.

His crypto scheme was already raising eyebrows. When OpenAI board attempted a coup and he clawed back to his seat, it seemed like he had gained complete control over the place.

The dude really gave off Stephen Holstrom from Pantheon vibes. (Even if they made him look like Steve Jobs)

And an outspoken apocalypse doomsday prepper. Definitely the kind of ideals we want in unilateral control of nuclear power plants. This guy can't fuck off sooner and any entity that would back his enterprise is either fucking stupid or blinded by greed.

He can't be worse than the ones that are already our overlords. At least he could theoretically free us from slaving our lives away. Probably won't, but could...

That's kind of like defending monarchy because "surely the future king can't be worse than the current one". They are the same breed. He is them. It's a somewhat systematic problem with these super rich technocrats.

The only way to rid oneself from a king is to burry them in a random field and have them be discovered under a parking lot a couple centuries later

Yeah I hear you, but I think that’s actually a big part of the problem. We the plebs want AI to free us from slaving away our lives. But Altman and those like him will never have the same motivations as us, so I’ll never trust them to develop the technology in a responsible way that actually benefits the majority of people, not just the tippy top of the absurdly wealthy.

He can't be worse than the ones that are already our overlords.

Pretty much all of human history would like a word.

Are you serious? AI is about lowering the cost of labor for office workers by not needing junior talent. None of these billionaires are going to free you from slaving your life away.