Germany may introduce conscription for all 18-year-olds to World – 331 points –
Germany may introduce conscription for all 18-year-olds

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That is so sad, these kinds of times should already be over in humanity's history. Why doesn't anyone have a solution? Are the war mongering powers just waiting for the new nuclear deterrent? Future AI terminators pls just go straight to Russia/China/USA leadership and let the humans be

It’s because the leaders aren’t the ones fighting the battles or being targeted. They’re playing chess somewhere far from the violence.

We should just solve conflicts by throwing the presidents or monarchs of the opposing countries in an arena to fight to death.

I think it'd be better if we disregarded highly authoritarian leaders in general and embraced socialism. Back in the day, kings and emperors fought their battles, but it didn't make their feudalism any less... feudal.

Unfortunately humans are greedy so that won't ever happen.

Humans cooperated and formed large confederations long before capitalism and liberalism were ideas.

It's true that unequal and selfish organisations have often consolidated power and squashed other organisations but we've also seen humanity going the opposite way many times before.

To shrug our shoulders and say humans are inherently greedy so socialism can't work is a cop out. We've dismantled unequal power structures many times before and we can do it again

Let's say your country was about to be invaded, your house stolen and you sent elsewhere or killed so that citizens of the invading country could occupy your house and your land instead.

And all of that not happening was hinged on the physical prowess of an old guy who's probably been in politics for decades.

How helpless would you feel?

[T]he ministers and generals of the two countries, dressed in bathing-drawers and armed with clubs, can have it out among themselves. Whoever survives, his country wins. That would be much simpler and more just than this arrangement, where the wrong people do the fighting.

- Kat, All Quiet on the Western Front

"Sorry ole chap, turns out all those cigars didn't do Churchill any favors. Hitler took him out in under a minute.

Anyway, we heard you're gay, so here's a bullet in your ear."

Yeah, but the US has a guy in a wheelchair!

Good point, the Allies would have been in trouble. Meth head Hitler vs Stalin would have been interesting.

That would be interesting. We’d definitely have to shift who we elect towards more violent leaders tho, and idk how I feel about that haha.

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Maybe Civ 6 was too boring for them.

FWIW and AFAIK, the PRC doesn't have conscription (while the ROC does).

There's also conscription in places which don't attack others, because of an attack threat from a neighbor. I just hope that whatever helps humanity forward, goes to the root cause. Imperialist state oligarchs are a good start. And other billionaires