JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”

This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 507 points –
JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”

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Who wrote that series with the boy wizard you’re not allowed to buy anymore unless it’s second hand? Couldn’t have been her

Maybe there’s a trans activist who’d be willing to volunteer to become the series’ writer. Someone could photoshop all the covers accordingly.

You shouldn't even be reading used copies of HP. It isn't very good. There's way better ones out there. I recommend "His Dark Materials" for starters.

Alcatraz Vs The Evil Librarians has more of a similar feel to the first three books, whereas His Dark Materials feels more like the later HP books

I don't know what the later HP books are like. I bailed after the second or third time Harry lost a positive father figure. That wasn't the only reason I gave up, but I didn't feel like they were worth the slog to get though anymore.

Yeah, those books are better, but have you read his new series? Shockingly bad, I waited so long for them and I wish he'd never written them.

It's a shame that JK Rowling keeps getting paid for that manuscript she stole from Hatsune Miku and then put a bunch of Pro-Slavery and Anti-Semitism into...

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