Brown rule to – 256 points –

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Brown shirts?

What are those?

Fascists. An alt definition is more specifically nazi and/or racist.

So you were born in time to punch Nazis in the face?

The US is still full of them, yes. I included the alt definition because I'm a little confused by the premise of the meme. It reads "born too late to punch nazis, born too early to punch terminators, born just in time to punch nazis".

Basically party thugs. Go around harassing people

Ah ok? Is that specific to a region? I never heard of this.

Edit: I meant region, not reason. Autocorrect.

Kinda. It’s a reference to the SA. It’s become a shorthand for fascist paramilitaries that haven’t seized power, so like one could call the proud boys brownshirts.

But it’s regional because they only wore brown in Germany. Italy had the blackshirts and Americans wore silver.

Yes and no. Read some WWII history

Other users were kind enough to point out that they are a Nazi group. That's all I needed to know.