Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 430 points –
Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom - LGBTQ Nation

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Imagine going to the bathroom, just to take a shit! How fucking weird, right? (/s)

...seriously, I wonder what these people imagine we're doing in the bathroom. Or hell, what are they doing in the bathroom that warrant such worries?

They like to bring up the "a man could wear a dress and go into the women's room and rape a little girl" canard. To which I reply, "they'd probably get away with that more easily if they wore a janitor's uniform. We really should ban janitors from bathrooms."

They don't care for that suggestion.

I may be pulling something out of my ass but I honestly can't be bothered to check. But, wasn't this something that was said about lesbian women too? That they shouldn't be allowed in women's bathroom because they would pry on other women and so on?

At this point, maybe people should just start shitting on the floor if someone tries to challenge them.

Nobody even notices at Wal-Mart

Of course not, but just try doing it in an Aeropostale.

...not that I'd know anything about that.

They already do this in church. They don't need to risk trying it in a public bathroom.

So the only thing stopping them from doing that now is the dress detecting force field around the bathroom?

Taking your penis off and rubbing it on the toilet paper, obviously

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