As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too to politics – 808 points –
As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too

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I'm a Satanist and affiliated with neither CoS or TST. The leadership of TST are not good people. One of them tried to make himself the god of a cargo cult and the other has a history of making racist, antisemitic and ablist statements. He also owned a website about eugenics until 2018.

That video I linked to is long but it is very well sourced and I hope might give you a bit more insight into who you're supporting if you choose to join or donate to them. There's a lot of comments under the video from ex-TST members, including Ministers and Chapter Heads who've been badly burnt by TST.

Sorry to ask, but could someone summarize the video? Cannot watch it rn, and will probably forget later.

That said, all organizations face this kind of “what’s the orgs vision or character” challenge. Thats why good leadership is important. Sometimes it’s best to cut loses and reorganize, and also market how you’re different now.

Supporting eugenics in any form is unconscionable, but people make mistakes and can grow from them. There are examples of KKK members who became activists in other direction, and we shouldn’t lock people in to their past bad decisions. I encourage the idea of “reformed racists”.

As asinine as I think the idea of “Satan” is in general, I see value in contenders and challengers to established religious authorities. As a rule, we should remove religion from policy making.

Honestly, that feels impossible - there's just so much there's no way to summarise it neatly. And it goes way, way beyond just the racism eugenics, antisemitism etc. There's the way TST are using the law as a weapon, the numerous comments about how women are treated the higher up the org you get. I really don't know how to summarise it all.

Will give it a view when I can, thanks

Up voting for linking to Dead Domain. It's a good video with a lot of time taken to go over the various issues. Certainly doesn't cover absolutely everything, but does a good job showing why TST ends up being more marketing than actual good.

A less problematic Satanist org fighting the good fight would be nice

Thanks, saved to watch later

If someone happens upon this around 7pm ET (USA - i think thats 11pm UTC) tonight (5/17) and can remind me, me and my ADHD would greatly appreciate it.

No Christian person has ever been a racist, but all of them are part of a cult though.

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