Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck to Not The – 698 points –
Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck

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"I don't like attention."

-- Guy that gave multiple interviews about all the attention he is getting.

He doesn't like negative attention and is too dumb to realise that was the only thing that would happen by buying such an obvious "I'm dumb and a dickhead" statement piece.

It's all marketing for his pot shop.

How bad at you at selling weed are you that you need to do this?

He may have paid a coked up publicist to get all this going.

This isn’t what gets me into a dispensary a second time.

Feeling like I can ask a dumbass question, get a coherent answer, and they will have product in stock at the promised price; gets me in the second and subsequent times.

Hypothetically, of course, but no different from the local booze warehouse, really. My loyalty is to the place where I asked someone “I see you’re out of x, what’s similar?” And they a) tapped out because it wasn’t their area of expertise and b) connected me with the person who could provide options and talk about that particular niche ad infinitum.

Don’t be flashy if you run a dispensary, just know your stuff and educate your staff.

be on weedmaps (or whatever your state uses online), have your stock up to date, and most importantly, don't just sell by the 1/8.