It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC to Not The – 577 points –
It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

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There are active KKK chapters in NC. There is also a Proud Boys presence here (they're known to wear masks).

I wonder, will they be exempt from this? (I know the answer, of course. Republicans will protect their own.)

This was actually discussed. The bill makes an exception for "members of a secret society demonstrating in public" as long as they get a permit from the police first.

Of course. Good thing those that work forces and those that burn crosses are two entirely different groups and totally do not overlap.

I was going to make a remark about how getting a permit must be really convenient, since you don't even need to leave the office.

"You boys better not have no n95s under them hoods?"

My exact thought: surely they'll be prosecuted under this law, right? Right?